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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1478098635693.jpg (629.86 KB, 1804x1014, 1461977692056.jpg)


shitmen stop ignoring me…


File: 1478102561878.jpg (18.96 KB, 338x253, bitch asuka.jpg)



File: 1478104182635.jpg (87.59 KB, 700x699, 1462517655753.jpg)

Don't post asuka..


File: 1478196432424.jpg (6.31 MB, 5152x2896, DSC0022.jpg)

Dani rate my sword.



File: 1478196512694.jpg (6.11 MB, 5152x2896, DSC0023.jpg)






I hate mackey


File: 1478197968205.png (212.58 KB, 1024x974, 1475015865122.png)

Nice hands..


File: 1478198975093.jpg (69.54 KB, 654x416, 3f3f681761d95bbb6a7909abf9….jpg)

Thanks, I use Alpine Suede as my moisturizer of choice.


File: 1478200388385.png (309.14 KB, 703x703, 1478190438006.png)

Post girls not guys…..


File: 1478204671712.gif (341.85 KB, 500x375, large (7).gif)

No, that's totally gay…


I always wondered why homos primarily post anime girls


It's because they're actually attracted to girls, but since women are such terrible creatures they just turn gay because it's easier.


File: 1478227320971.jpg (121.92 KB, 862x720, 1461691869189.jpg)

Yes,, and..?


Why not just be attracted to anime girls then??


same thing


Anime girls are NOT the same thing as 3D men


anime girls are the same as whomos because they all act the same and are cute and frenly just like anime girls and all the whomos would be anime girls if they were in animeland anyway so they're the same okay?


File: 1478276661978.jpg (36.94 KB, 500x570, 500.jpg)

Them's fightin' words…


No. Anime girls are cute. "Whomos" or whatever are not.

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