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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1477963331147.jpg (243.48 KB, 955x991, happy birthday.jpg)


Today is a /what/friend's birthday. Let's all wish our friendo a happy birthday!

Happy birthday, I hope you have a nice day today~


File: 1477963706675.mp3 (13.78 MB, 02 - Scene Of Carnage.mp3)

And month of the Scorpio.


File: 1477966119836.jpg (67.25 KB, 853x640, bday.jpg)



Where the fuck were you on May 19 motherfucker


Please don't be rude in the birthday threads…


Fuck you bitch!
*spits in your mouth*


Fuck you!

*shits in your mouth*


File: 1477973762066.jpg (64.31 KB, 594x419, 323.jpg)

Thank you!


File: 1477976678537.jpg (638.51 KB, 1378x1378, __kagura_gintama_drawn_by_….jpg)

Happy birthday!


File: 1478051275741.png (674.52 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

Rin posts on what?!??!


File: 1478059258407.jpg (60.32 KB, 278x284, jar.jpg)

No! It's my birthday!!!!!!!!


Not anymore ;)


I'm a day late, but happy birthday, /what/friend!


File: 1478069684782.png (574.12 KB, 1200x697, kagura.png)

I had a happy Kagura-chan birthday so it's cool.


That's nice. I hope she didn't flick any boogers on you by accident!

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