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File: 1476823851971.jpg (12.8 KB, 295x300, 1476810930772.jpg)


funny image from 2008


Internet humor was pretty bad back then.

It's like looking back at cliched silent films and how they were funny at one point.


File: 1476824600103.jpg (42.55 KB, 450x600, 450px-Charlie_Chaplin_port….jpg)

they still are you fucking pleb




did you know kikes are on average smarter than you by 100%


stfu kike


haha what a child


to be fair, silent films made and starred by buster keaton are the only ones that made me laugh, and even with that it's a hit and miss


Has anyone ever seen Nosferstu?


Only in that one spongebob episode with the hash slinger.


Only homosexuals watch sponge bob.


I was probably about 5-10 years old.


He wasn't even born yet.


Watching that Jew media at a young age made you gay.


Someone check when that episode came out so we can determine his age and track him down and gang rape hurry


Holy fuck I remember saving it from b back in 2008 holy fuck that was ten years what the fuck why can't I do anything


*trumps you with overwhelming ashkenazi intellect*
what now goy


I didn't start watching SpongeBob till I was 13


I was 12-13

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