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/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I thought this purge would let /what/ rise from the ashes like a phoenix and rid itself of all these homos…




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this is ____ board…


a shit board
a gay board
a terrible board
a sad board
a dead board
a painful board


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If /what/min really wanted to rid himself of homos, he could. He obviously likes the attention he gets, so hit on him all you'd like!!



/what/ has been a gay board for the majority of its existence. who are these people who are suddenly complaining about how gay /what/ is? it's always been gay.


>who are these people who are suddenly complaining about how gay /what/ is?

Must be the crossies. Not even /what/ is safe from the crossies anymore.


Fucking crossies! *flexes bunghole*


Phoenix is me

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