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File: 1475952796006.png (1.43 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1422.PNG)


Should I go buy some wine to drink with my salmon


That looks tasty! I've heard white wine goes well with fish!


File: 1475964066208.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1425.PNG)

Thanks it is really good I'll have to get white wine later I don't like drinking in front of mom hopefully there's still some later for now I'm drinking really cold water


It has bits of ice in it


I wonder what shitmin thinks of my meal…


Very nice salmon, I would love to eat fresh salmon all the time but it's expensive.


It's not really that expensive it was like 30 dollars for 3 lbs I saw a 60$+ steak I think I'm going to get it next time but the thing that stops me from getting it is I don't know how to cook steak



LOL whatmin gets called shitmin and still responds


yeah so what I always call your mom a bitch and she still loves ❤️ me


>It's not really that expensive it was like 30 dollars for 3 lbs

That's expensive.


Do you want me to send you 30 dollars 💵 a week so you can eat salmon at least once a week


Are you rich or something? I'll accept bitcoin donations.


Not really you just seem like you really want to eat salmon a lot
How do I get bitcoins


I really want to eat a lot more food in general, I get enough food but I would love to get 3000+ calories a day in clean food.

Anyway don't worry about it, I doubt you would seriously send me money, but if you ask me the best way to buy bitcoins is by sending physical cash in the mail to a trader on localbitcoins, and you can store the bitcoins and use them from that site, but I prefer storing the bitcoins locally with the official client bitcoin-qt (takes over 80GB of disk space for the program).



Hard to believe that since you're a faggot


Shut the heck up idiot I know who you are by your style of posting it's over you're fucked I have a dox on every single spin off poster you can't apologize it's too late get ready


Why are you really thin or something or are you just tall that sounds like a lot of work then what if the person doesn't give you the bitcoin you paid for how did you get some


I need the food to build muscle.

You don't get scammed for the same reason you don't get scammed on Ebay. It works based off a reputation system, if the trader has done business with hundreds/thousands of other people and has good reviews from them, they're probably not going to scam you.

If they start scamming people then people will leave bad reviews, their reputation will be ruined, and no one will do business with them.


Heh I have muscle you can just get some protein too I guess it'll depend on you if it's fat or muscle it'll probably be cheaper than all that food if you really don't have the money 💰 or you can do the GOMAD thing which will be costly but not as much can't people just make another account and start a good reputation until they get a big buy and scam them and then repeat the process


>can't people just make another account and start a good reputation until they get a big buy and scam them and then repeat the process

It is very hard to gain reputation, and they would also need a different address to get mail to if they made a new account.

They would make more money by legitimately doing business then ruining the reputation they worked for. The exception being exit scamming, which is when they plan to quit trading anyway, so they scam people before they leave. The chances of you being the victim of a reputable long-term trader exit scamming is very slim though.


For new addresses they can use different po boxes 📦 Aren't bit coins really expensive how many do you have and how come you don't "mine" I don't know what that means but I read people do it just mow


>Aren't bit coins really expensive

That's kind of like saying "isn't Japanese yen really cheap, it only costs about $10 for 1,000 of them".

>how come you don't "mine"

It would cost more in electricity than I would make.


Well yen is really cheap considering how much you get from those 1000 what does it mean to mine and how much would you get


You can tell me what it means to mine how to mine and how much you get from it


I can't.


Can you tell me what I should get from Walmart mom is going she asked if I want anything I said life saver gummies but what else should I get I'm thinking pistachios or chips or I think I should get those cookies


Respond I know you're here


You still haven't gone to Walmart yet?

Buy a pogo stick or one of those fake skateboards.


No I didn't get anything cause I waited too long for your response but I want to know why you can't tell me












I don't know.


Yes you do fucking know don't play dumb mother hecker tell me








Tell me or else I won't post on your board anymore


I don't know what mining actually is beyond performing very intensive calculations that require lots of electricity and expensive hardware to be worthwhile, however I'm to understand that it would cost more in electricity to run on most desktop GPUs than the value of the bitcoins you will earn by mining.

The amount you earn would be dependent on how fast your hardware is, and the mining software that you use.


You could've said that instead of beating around the bush

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