[ what / sjis / test-php ] [ not4jp ]

/what/ - ...

The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Whatmin I have a question please respond


How can I help?


Can you teach me about computers I want to run a popular website like you one of these days


I'm not an expert but I could try. Any specific questions?

I recommend installing Linux.


Is Linux easy to use can you upload a video of you using it and navigating to what and doing administrative things I learn better with visuals


I don't think that would really help, you have to learn by using it and reading, don't try Linkin Park youtube tutorials.


I really think that would help but if you don't want to be helpful then fine


I'm not /what/min, but the best way to learn is always to just dive headfirst into it and ask questions and google things as they come up.

If you want to run an imageboard, start with installing linux (either on your hd or through virtual box). Try to figure it out on your own, but feel free to ask if you get stuck.


Maybe some other day, are you just asking because you want a recording of my desktop or the Vichan admin interface?


Firs and foremost don't freaking tell me what to do why don't you jump head first into the fucking ground off a 12 foot building idiot

Yes both I don't know how to use Linux and I need to learn how to use the thing so I can run 🏃🏿 the website


Sometimes when I post on /t-p/ it drops me on write.php and doesn't take me back to index.html. /what/min pls


Clear your browser cache.


no i think it's because sometimes i post from /test-php/ instead of /test-php/index.php


You're right that would do it.

I'll fix that, but is there any reason you end up posting on /test-php/ or do you just manually go there?


it's just in my browser history so whenever i type "test" it's the first one that comes up.


Hey can you also post Dani's dox


what for

no bully


I want to send him some of my shit


File: 1475776663994.jpg (892.97 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_19700108_004346.jpg)


File: 1475778222664.png (62.8 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2016-10-06-11-2….png)

Be more specific you fucking piece of garbage


That pin is right on my apartoment how much more specifi c you want


Still waiting on that video shitmin


haha more like buttmin


File: 1475853094634.mp4 (6.65 MB, 1920x1080, out.mp4)

Here, for you.


added your post to the report queue, you big bully, now you have 13…



Nobody cares homo.



















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