[ what / sjis / test-php ] [ not4jp ]

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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1475616969505.jpg (208.99 KB, 850x825, 1457861808199.jpg)


whatmin rate this anime pic


Please use the spoiler feature/10


hmm, all i see is a 404 page and it doesn't even have Mugi on it.


Please use a valid ssl certificate, /what/min!


File: 1475623913028.png (424.14 KB, 853x480, shot0008.png)

You have to pay money for that. I use a self-signed certificate and the encryption/purpose of HTTPS works just as well with that, except common browsers will throw out a scary warning. I encourage any users of the site to be using the HTTPS version.


Not anymore! https://letsencrypt.org/
I run one of these certs on my own server. It's not too bad to setup. They only last three months, but the client can autorenew now, so you wouldn't even have to do anything after the initial setup.


have you looked into letsencrypt?


>In order to get a certificate for your website’s domain from Let’s Encrypt, you have to demonstrate control over the domain. With Let’s Encrypt, you do this using software that uses the ACME protocol, which typically runs on your web host.



You're able to just upload certs as well if your host allows that but you don't have ssh access.


I just don't want to install and learn how to use a piece of software for it, and learn more about it in general. Maybe some other day.

I did just update the site to work properly with HTTPS though, the test-php link at the top will now will redirect to http or https (depending on what you're using) rather than just hard redirect to HTTP /tp/.

/tp/ will also redirect back to HTTPS /tp/ if you make a post on it through HTTPS, rather than hard redirect back to HTTP /tp/.


It's pretty easy to set up, honestly. I believe it even automates nearly everything if you're using apache (other webservers take a few more commands).



/what/ runs on lighttpd


/what/ runs on sad gay cums

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