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File: 1474776895302.jpg (243.73 KB, 720x540, bulmer.jpg)

 No.8013[View All]

This is the official (100% Bulmer approved) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…
313 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


cute anime


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many pros play 3rd party leagues like esea/faceit almost exclusively so their rank decays after time and they don't care to waste time playing mm. if I remember one of the guys from clg was gn4 after the update on his main account and probably stayed like that.



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What's this?


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Didn't see that one coming, if he stayed quiet he could pass, but he is wearing an outfit that covers his whole body and a ton of make up.

How do you not know what FLCL is?



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I went to Thanksgiving wearing my best jewellery, clothes and make-up. I weird out my Mom but my sister enjoyed my new look.

I found his voice to be sexy but at the same time it reminded me of Bobby Lee so I don't know how I feel now…


>I went to Thanksgiving

Are you a time traveler?


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No, I'm just Canadian.


At first I felt bad for your mom, but then I realized it's partly her fault.


i forgot, can't be bothered to remember all old anime people post on imageboards


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I wonder why did Pino suddenly morphed into Rika. She had brown hair in the beginning.


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That's like going to /tv/ and not knowing what Star Wars is.


I wouldn't know, is that bad?


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Hairy wet steamy poosy




that's anzumugi.


Taking my driver's test for the 2nd time tomorrow, I'm scared.


The written test or the actual driving test?

You failed the physical driving test? What did you do?


all my /what/frens are actually frenemies. i hope get sick tomorrow and then get better after a little bit. grrr~


The actual driving test.
I failed the pre-drive exam (I didn't even know there was going to be one) and when it came to the actual test on the road, the instructor told me I was driving too slow.
Yeah I'm a dumbfuck, I know.


I failed the written test the first time, I didn't study properly and thought I could just use common sense, but the test was filled with multiple choice questions like:

How many feet should you brake before a stop sign?

1) 22.2ft
2) 22.4ft
3) 22.5ft
4) 22.6ft
5) 22.8ft

Good luck, I fucked up the parallel parking part of the driving test a little bit but he still passed me.


Oh shit…there's a parallel parking portion of the test? I never practiced parallel parking.



i failed on my 1st time too, it's normal. some people fail 2, 3, even more times. you'll get the hang of it, a lot of these mistakes are due to nervousness, and the instructors don't help a bit with this


Wow. The test in New York was just basically "what is this sign" and "what do you do when there's an emergency vehicle with its lights" and "can you cross a solid white line" and shit like that.


A lot do, it depends on the state. Like here we have a maneuverability test instead of parallel parking.


I bought another 8 bottles of nail polish, ummm…


What do you need so much nail polish for?






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oh medatoe


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I'm going to watch my BF play Yu-Gi-Oh: Capsule Monster Coliseum later today and if he beats the whole game without ever losing once I'm going to give him a blowjob.

Here's hoping he brings his A game.


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I also have a test today to renew my food handling certificate which is going to be easy.


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Food handling? Is that like horse handling where you teach your food to do tricks and stuff?


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I like giving oral more than receiving it so I'm a faglord.

It's for training in safe food handling so learning things like HPPA, foodborne illnesses, how to store food safely so the pH levels are acceptable etc.


Sounds boring. You should try and teach your food tricks instead!


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I would if I knew how…


You'll never get your food handler certificate with that attitude!


Pretty sure you would fail a health inspection if you had japanese parrots openly in your kitchen.


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>that first part where she looks in the camera with a smile and starts shaking her hip
>that part where she shakes her ass perfectly with the beat


dude she's ugly


Slightly flabby white girl with that body wearing anime clothing is 10/10 to me, you probably like giant obese nigger booty which I think is disgusting.


check out gooey with the sleeveless white shirt and cap busting out some sick moves out in the back


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