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File: 1474690549070.webm (8.25 MB, 640x360, architect.webm) [play once] [loop]


whatbeesion will be built with this in mind.


I think there was another minimalist architect who worked a lot with concrete! It sounds ii ne but make sure that the whatbeesion also looks cute!


looks cold


it's not cold if you snuggle up with your friendo.




That's gay though.


they'll be wearing a skirt so its fine


That's even gayer.


Nothing gay about wearing a skirt!


/t-p/ is that way –→


File: 1474739145292.jpg (43.83 KB, 415x266, 1414874577508.jpg)



I dont get it, is this a joke or parody? thats what architects call minimalist and the principle of having less things? it all seems pretty damn unnecessary with dead branches hanging from the ceiling and decorative stone pots and ponds and random right angles everywhere for no reason.

like the whole point of living in a place like that is to host dinner parties and show off your multi-million dollar "anti-consumerism" wabisabi mansion to other pretentious artist types.

look at soviet apartment blocks or military barracks, thats whats actually minimalist and simple in the real world.


I think you're interpreting minimalism too literally or from other forms of art and design.

But I did chuckle to myself about his anti-consumerism bit that was cut with him chomping on a cigar. I think it might've been done intentionally by the editor as a bit of a jab at him.


File: 1474939074263.jpg (309.66 KB, 1728x1152, 28.jpg)

it's minimalist in some sense but it's not minimalist in terms of frugality that's for sure. Your average run-of-the-mill Japanese house comes a lot closer to "minimalism" in the sense >>8073 is thinking of.

this pic is the first result I got for "日本家屋中"


That would brutalism, or just plain lack of any architectural style whatsoever.

Minimalism refers to a certain design tradition, not to a complete abandon of features where you build blocks of cement and get done with it.

It's stupid of you to say "there in the real world", there's no such distinction, you are comparing two kinds of buildings that completely different purposes in mind and they are both in the "real world", it doesn't makes it any less real just because you dislike it.

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