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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1473194218900.jpg (64.33 KB, 380x380, 1353162792139.jpg)


>only 1% of the world has internet
>24,000 children starve to death every day
>middle east is in full scale war
>china-russia preparing for nato conflict
>all of our systems bent on finite resources that are running dry
>ozone layer is slowly dissipating
>whatmin still wont let me suck his dick

this has got to be a joke…


why won't you suck mine instead


File: 1473194650610.jpg (99.54 KB, 914x720, 1439712903542.jpg)

i only suck upwards. you exude beta-ness like you have cartoon stink lines made of beta radiating off of you.

you can suck mine though.


i'm gonna marry dani!


ok good I had to disprove some more of these but otamin deleted the thread

>only 1% of the world has internet

That isn't remotely true unless you're talking about surface area.

>middle east is in full scale war

Depends what you mean by "full scale". I don't think ISIS even has the technology to fight "total war".

>all of our systems bent on finite resources that are running dry

That's only until we change our constitution and allow Elon Musk to be president.

>ozone layer is slowly dissipating


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