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Due to incoming hurricane Hermine, /what/ may be down in the following days.

By the way it's not pronounced Hermione like from Harry Potter, it's "Her Meen", I think it's a nigress name.


floods, snowstorms, hurricanes, what kind of shithole do you live in? LMAO


good luck /what/min we will be praying for your safety


The only big issue here is flooding.

I think the flooding is going to be a lot worse from now on too, as the shoreline may have been eroded/damaged long term. Maybe that shit about ice caps melting and increasing water levels is true too.

Thanks, I don't think there's anything serious to worry about though.


whart-ch will ded dis time 4 sho


buttmin nooooooo


If you get scared you can come to my house and i'll hold you with my big strong arms.


does /what/ really run on a laptop running gentoo


Close, it's a desktop running Gentoo.


it runs from an alien mind control spaceship


That's too bad…
If it was a laptop, you could escape the floods and take /what/ with you.


Please stay safe!

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