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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1471792601557.png (821.99 KB, 1366x768, 1460604392137.png)


I am a teenager and he looks in his late teens as well. We have made eye contact several times for 5 seconds which is very long time , from far away. He has also smiled and looked at me and has touched his face and hair around me which lots of people say is a good sign.


show the boobs


are you a girl or a fagosexual


I posted my picture in the other thread…




I would go back and start some casual conversation like asking what his job is like, listen to him and laugh if he says anything funny and try to give some commentary, once he stops talking about that complement his looks but don't make it something like his clothes. Say something more personal like his hair or eyes, if he reacts positively try asking him out.

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