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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1471748723909.png (487.13 KB, 720x540, bulma.png)

 No.6563[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (100% alcohol) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


File: 1471749709576.png (159.26 KB, 318x480, shot0004.png)

Is this a 4pawk shot####.png?
Or is this someone else's shot?


File: 1471751000163.webm (2.99 MB, 960x720, 1451282444646.webm) [play once] [loop]



File: 1471752919380.png (2.65 MB, 1920x1080, q.png)

That is mine

The animation is so good.


Maybe I should start watching sakura again, I think I stopped my rewatch at like episode 10 or something.


what is it


cute minivideo


File: 1471778759709.jpg (177.55 KB, 1280x720, 1468132182299.jpg)

where's g0rpy?


File: 1471789594145.png (367.34 KB, 1115x966, Gooey Date.png)

I can't wait until I get to watch a cute anime with 1gooey. I had to book my appointment months in advance to ensure I got a place in his cute-anime-watching schedule, but it was totally worth it!

Here is a picture of my calendar confirming my date.


File: 1471794203471.jpg (93.36 KB, 495x636, 9d2406e75a868f49b957251379….jpg)



File: 1471809572787.jpg (173.26 KB, 1073x345, 111111111.jpg)

error 404 - fren not found

fren is gone


Please do not post pictures of me here.


post more


Uh, that's a picture of my mom, dude.


I want to read more about this denis saga about meeting some fag on tinder. It's disgusting to read this shit and imagining someone like denis performing all these sexual acts but his "relationship" is so obviously headed towards a trainwreck I can't wait to read more.


File: 1471841802739.jpg (49.39 KB, 822x397, image.jpg)



File: 1471875961348.png (17.83 KB, 599x144, dare.png)


\( ^v^)/


/( ^v^)\


Noodles/Porchy if you're still here can you say something?


File: 1471879056694.png (896.09 KB, 1920x1080, shot0012.png)



File: 1471879617859.png (1.29 MB, 1920x1080, shot0006.png)

Eat Satan's meat balls (Y/n)?


File: 1471880209405.png (155.78 KB, 500x375, 1421683586244.png)

I feel incredibly gay today……


she has the cutest hair


all my frens are disappearing….


File: 1471889492017.png (87.52 KB, 682x351, pervert.png)

If anything I might break it off with guy A and go to guy B since guy A seems to be getting to clingy and emotional he is good for the sex stuff and buying me things but his personality is wearing thin…

I ended up telling guy B about guy A and how I was seeing him and he said he would be happy to stay friends with me if I stay with guy A but would be happy to be my rebound BF if I broke it off with guy A which I will if he doesn't smarten up.

There's also the possibility of a guy C coming up.
When it comes to faggotry I'm the undefeated master of it.


File: 1471890488861.png (302.8 KB, 871x626, 1439184979089.png)

When I think about it and when I look at all of my posting history I think I just don't want any long term relationships…I enjoy this short term stuff of people buying me things and dinner, fucking and leaving. It's so much fun and I save a great deal of money.

Holy fuck…I might be a slut..


>he is good for the sex stuff and buying me things but his personality is wearing thin…

Congrats, you will never be able to have a successful long-term relationship with anyone ever.


huh, gays are degenerate, who would have thought?


File: 1471891510511.jpg (87.89 KB, 757x625, 1471734433784.jpg)

Don't shame his 14yo girl RP. It's called a "lifestyle aesthetic", dumbass.


File: 1471893645932.png (108.74 KB, 451x383, 1422478258525.png)

Y-Yeah that's gotta be it, It's just a life style aesthetic…


Sorry for deleting your post I just don't like intense ISIS gore videos.


File: 1471914260908.png (557.96 KB, 698x1000, 1471882960647.png)

wow it was a nuanced citique of american foreign policy in the 90s


gotta poop!


wow, we finally found out what does it takes for /what/min to use his moderation power


File: 1471916783952.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 53.72 MB, 1280x720, 5y54u4w6u.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Yuru'd it, honeycakes. *kisses*



you should always Akarin'd your non-cute bictures and vibeos…


File: 1471930510407.jpg (451.22 KB, 1200x1200, hump-me.jpg)



File: 1471931175708.jpg (19.99 KB, 500x511, 1469430059737.jpg)



File: 1471932785055.jpeg (61.96 KB, 674x677, c278a1731528fb8b878ed167f….jpeg)

fags are a plague


File: 1471933389140.png (1.11 MB, 1492x1080, i-came-here-to-laugh-at-yo….png)

You shouldn't talk so negatively about yourself.


File: 1471947097850.png (37.96 KB, 350x254, Male_female_facial_sexual_….png)

"A facial geometric sexual dimorphism diagram.
The blue bell curve on the left represents the male faces
The pink bell curve on the right represents the female faces.
The purple area in the center represents the overlap of the two bell curves where the feminine male faces cannot be distinguished from the masculine female faces."

That /what/feel you weren't born with a face in the overlapping section.


File: 1471949028527.png (1.59 MB, 1920x1080, shot0019.png)

Can't look at this girl without thinking of the gnfos fart fetish guy.


File: 1471954873518.jpeg (285.19 KB, 900x996, fart.jpeg)

You mean T?


File: 1471964894744.png (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-08-23-110740_1920x108….png)

>China thinks this is ok


File: 1471966719708.png (159.26 KB, 318x480, shot0004.png)

>takes a google streetview screenshot of some shithole like Camden, NJ
>says something fucking retarded like "americans think this is okay"

nice job 4peeretard, I'm learning from the best.


File: 1471967334877.jpg (64 KB, 689x800, die.jpg)

Fuck off, Chink.





did noodles died?
please come back noodles….


Whom are you two quoting?


your mom is posting here!


File: 1471983673676.png (799.19 KB, 1280x720, underage.png)

Thanks bro, wanna dock dicks?


all friendos died, now only assholes like 4p and denis are here


File: 1471993765133.jpg (43.85 KB, 361x214, s10.jpg)

Asshole life is best life in my full and honest opinion…


File: 1471994894317.mp3 (10.39 MB, Humans Are Such Easy Prey.mp3)



File: 1472001068088.jpg (403.53 KB, 800x1142, 83b19f0e8c84d38bdb0a547b88….jpg)

Fartposter ideology.


File: 1472014788215.jpg (298.45 KB, 1080x1416, cirnobully.jpg)



File: 1472041673349.png (620.14 KB, 762x852, 2.png)

Default mpv color


File: 1472041786494.png (685.45 KB, 762x852, 1.png)


To be honest I don't understand this color bullshit, but I do like how this changes the color palette of video.


How do I run mpv with these settings? Command line arg?





You could run it with those settings from the command line, but you probably want to put into your mpv configuration file.


If you still can't figure this out, in a text editor open ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf, or on Windows create mpv.conf in the same folder your mpv.exe is located, and add the following: vo=opengl:target-prim=bt.2020:target-trc=srgb

You should also read read some of the other options the opengl output has, especially scaler. If your computer can handle it try this for higher quality upscaling/downscaling: vo=opengl:scale=ewa_lanczossharp:cscale=ewa_lanczossharp:dscale=ewa_lanczossharp


It's like the opposite of a tumblr gif, it lost its saturation


File: 1472069781760.jpg (23.54 KB, 303x566, 1449389950782.jpg)




Ok thanks but never mind I got the photos mixed up I actually think the first is better.


File: 1472071464429.jpg (3.43 MB, 2349x2404, a8ecd1b4aa71b669d72431425f….jpg)



Uh, are you trying to ask me out? You know how many imageboard boys are on the waiting list.


File: 1472073153036.png (352.96 KB, 800x961, 8f779c2bbeceb3e99ecf74f6cf….png)



post "cirno_being_eaten_by_rhino-san.jpg"!


File: 1472083085399.jpg (Spoiler Image, 312.96 KB, 1122x1200, 7cc673fe6fc4a2732140500cce….jpg)


So I thought my phone interview went bad, but they told me to come in for a face to face interview. It's in like 12 hours. I guess I should have been excited, but I'm mostly just worried. Worried about not being able to get the job and my life falling apart from no money, and also worried about getting the job and hating it and my life. I'm probably blowing everything out of proportion, but it feels like I'm going to have a breakdown no matter what happens.


I just mixed Extra Crunchy Jif PB and blueberries together, eating one spoon of PB then a handful of blueberries.

It's so good, you could easily sit there eating an entire jar and container of blueberries without even getting that full.

>2600 calories in a jar

>About 100g protein

How2get fat


At least you'll be able to do stuff with the job, hopefully enough to afford grown up things like your own place, a car, and a female.

Even if you're ugly you can still get a gf so long as you have income.


I hope your interview goes well! Your /what/frens will be here to support you no matter if you get the job or not!


Just try to relax. I now it's easier said than done, but it will do you a lot of good for your interview.


File: 1472142091422.jpg (202.3 KB, 1080x762, Apodemus_sylvaticus_bosmui….jpg)



just b urself




File: 1472143186008.jpg (2.76 MB, 3798x2848, Apodemus_sylvaticus_(Sardi….jpg)



No I didn't meant him to "be himself", but being a nervous wreck isn't going to do him any good



>hopefully enough to afford grown up things like your own place, a car, and a female.
why would I spend my money on those things when I can spend it on anime figures, manga, and dakis???


File: 1472146746185.png (98.11 KB, 572x510, 14177594823777.png)


File: 1472150599173.jpg (157.33 KB, 650x354, 13806656334453.jpg)


Gross homo!


Together we can make /what/ straight again


But /what/ never was straight to begin with!


Newfag spotted.

/what/ used to be a bunch of straight, masculine men discussing hot anime babes.


There's no reasoning with these homosexuals. They infest every community and spread their obnoxious lifestyle until they overrun everything and turn all discussions into talking about cocks.


File: 1472160483672.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 575.21 KB, 1200x1400, 1fd07e801f7fbde6d07d2223d….jpeg)



File: 1472168606402.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x1200, 1325983698959.jpg)

I'm gonna read 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (´・ω・`)


Tell us if it's ii ne!


The better be an anime babe. If it's some gay 3d shit you'll regret posting it.


meh, not quite what I hoped. but better than I feared.


File: 1472177784497.jpg (191.9 KB, 600x900, fbba0c9bb0920aba8686449e8b….jpg)

Don't let the lonely hetero-supremacist whatgirls sway your resolve.

gay is ok


I bet those heterofags are from merorinfos and they're the ones that tricked /what/min into enabling flags.


Check out this mouse howling.

I watched a program on national geographic about it yesterday !


File: 1472180447234.jpg (269.72 KB, 1280x720, rabi.jpg)

hot rabi-on-rabi action!


wbich anime videogame auto-ERP is this from?


I think my interview went ok! I won't know if I got the job for a few weeks though. Thanks for all the support /what/frens!


rabi ribi




I ate a little bit of chocolate kēki and put the rest back in the fridge for later.


File: 1472208757356.jpg (680.85 KB, 1000x750, 1328044207975.jpg)

I really want to eat a chicken sandwich and some onigiri but it's 4am…


come over to my place


File: 1472209580619.jpg (45.11 KB, 704x396, 1458372681208.jpg)

Are you some kind of normalfag that cares if society thinks it's a socially acceptable time of the day to consume something?

"I can't drink in the morning, that will mean I'm an alcoholic!"


File: 1472218535052.png (309.94 KB, 728x900, unrelated.png)

/what/bees pollinating /what/flowers!


That sounds great! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!


File: 1472219857853.jpg (192.8 KB, 750x563, 1464831272623.jpg)

dog image


File: 1472223010411.gif (6.05 KB, 200x54, wide (× ╹◡╹ ×).gif)

I told you everything would be alright. Congratulations


File: 1472237632981.jpg (250.96 KB, 1000x1000, 53501490_p3_master1200.jpg)

no I just don't wanna wake anyone up with my cooking


that purple haired girl is a total udongein rip off


File: 1472238050482.jpg (1.45 MB, 1998x1501, 17b4aae3ad94170a000e334c85….jpg)

Loose, oily, blooming whatflowers!


File: 1472245813789.jpg (40.54 KB, 900x900, CqS2iCGUIAAiF9r.jpg orig.jpg)

I threw some fappy tissues in my trash basket this morning and now the whole room smells like cummy


ii ne…


Hahi~! ヾ( ̄ロ ̄)


File: 1472258617764.jpg (116.78 KB, 760x570, 1439877913560.jpg)

This isn't going too well now…I think I might break it off with guy A now that the "honey moon phase" is over, he is awful in bed, highly emotional to the point I can't deal with it or I just don't know what to say. He starts blaming himself and saying how I am a God to him and that he views himself as a nobody and how showering me in gifts won't fix things even though he keeps doing it and the next minute he's all happy; in short a very volatile person.

He does have good taste in anime and cuddling while watching it is always fun so I'll give him that…but his emotional baggage..
Anyone want a free BF? This guy is too much for me…I'm too much of an emotionally distant person for this and as much I as I want to be comforting and giving it's just not in my nature.

Maybe I'm the issue and I can't admit it, admit that I'm dead inside and nothing can change it..he's done a lot of me but in the end I'm just "meh" fuck I'm a cold person.

Oh well…


somebody link the post of the other guy calling this exact situation


File: 1472260089050.jpg (384.94 KB, 800x1000, cirno rhino.jpg)

But now he's used goods, I want a pure virg /what/bf.


Please see:



File: 1472260738218.jpg (54 KB, 640x480, Honey-mitsukuni-haninozuka….jpg)

I might try and make it work but that means me disciplining him on his emotions…that should be fun. Me who's the height and weight of a shota trying to dominate someone who towers over me but is physically weak. I might also need to teach him how to have sex right because he is just so god damn awful at it..

Both me and him still have are anal virginity….all you've done together was fondling while I wore cosplay, I sucked his dick, I got mine sucked..but he was awful at it..


How exactly is he bad at sucking your dick? What does he do to mess it up?


File: 1472261094489.jpg (51.72 KB, 640x480, Honey3.jpg)

Oh I know where this could've headed weeks ago, even before I posted about it but the gifts he kept giving me got me to stick around he needs training and I don't know if I'm willing to do it.

>all you've done together
*all we've



File: 1472261499935.jpg (58.42 KB, 500x375, honey.jpg)

Using teeth, awkward hand motions, not staying down long enough, no use of tongue action and many more atrocities to proper fellatio…he has to manners in bed as he won't even eat my pre-cum. If I could totally let loose I would force him to do it the way it should be done…awful, awfull..awful!


File: 1472261713015.jpg (722.13 KB, 1208x930, 10569_20150530024246_0.jpg)

Using teeth is a good thing though. It's not a proper blowjob without teeth stroking your shaft. Not swallowing cum and not savouring pre-cum is real bad though, total dealbreaker.


File: 1472262161064.png (577.25 KB, 900x1200, __haninozuka_mitsukuni_our….png)

I guess teeth could work if used in the right way I've yet to see that though, maybe lightly biting and pulling down the skin I could see working.


File: 1472262598962.png (295.67 KB, 772x900, 18920654_p2.png)

If they're not scraping your shaft it's no good.


File: 1472263004089.jpg (19.77 KB, 280x440, kintaro12ja.jpg)

Mhmm…not what I'm used to doing but a technique I would need to try out in the future.


/what/ - …
The Society for the Study of Toothy Blowjobs


At least you stopped ruining my memories of CCS by gayposting with her pictures.


it was worse when he was gayposting with madotsuki, the /what/ mascot. we wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression by suggesting that the whole site is gay……


I'm not gay but a /jp/ twink giving a blowjob is still hot.


File: 1472264682969.png (470.4 KB, 555x630, 1429343460634.png)

Have you not heard of the old saying?

"The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it."


By that metric you're one fugly son of a bitch.

Wait, we don't need to interpret shitty sayings to make that claim. We've got photographic evidence. nervermind lmao


File: 1472267365009.jpg (32.06 KB, 440x486, 1412773605184.jpg)

Now, now, play nice or I might just go back to gay posting with Sakura…

You shouldn't be so hostile about words you read off of your PC.


I wonder what its like being a retard with no ability to introspection.


I'm sure you know.


File: 1472273130803.jpg (81.92 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Komori-san wa Ko….jpg)



File: 1472275381231.png (800.14 KB, 1280x720, shot0008.png)



File: 1472283882675.jpg (144.48 KB, 1133x660, 10.jpg)



File: 1472294955746.jpg (54.19 KB, 457x676, Sam1.jpg)

Ted Danson


File: 1472302391162.jpg (1.56 MB, 1271x2000, Unknown_-_Mazarin_Venus_-_….jpg)

Based on Roman art and literature, small breasts and wide hips were the ideal body type for women considered alluring by Roman men. Roman art from the Augustan period shows idealized women as substantial and fleshy, with a full abdomen and breasts that are rounded, not pendulous.

Large breasts were mocked as humorous or a sign of old age.

Young girls wore a strophium secured tightly in the belief that it would inhibit the growth of breasts, and a regimen of massaging the breasts with hemlock, begun while a woman was still a virgin, was thought to prevent sagging. Breasts receive relatively minimal attention in erotic art and literature as a sexual focus; the breast was associated primarily with nursing infants and a woman's role as a mother.


boys have small breasts!


File: 1472314517365.jpg (4.14 MB, 3222x1887, monkey.jpg)

Look at this photograph


How did you find this picture of me?


i want to rub a boy's chest


I want to cultivate your whatflower.


File: 1472328370454.mp3 (13.85 MB, This Is the Remix.mp3)

meme music.


I really want to have lower stress levels for health reasons.

I live as a NEET and should have a very non-stressful life, but mentally I am always stressed and thinking very frantically. I browse 4chan boards like /pol/ and /r9k/, and generally occupy myself on the web viewing things that cause me to be mentally stressed. At this point my mind is so full of poison I can't just slow it down and stop it.


File: 1472343545009.jpg (20.33 KB, 300x353, 2rfea8j.jpg)

Well I made up my mind I'm going to try my hand at training my BF to be more emotionally stable and to also do better in bed.

This isn't going to be easy…he needs a lot of work..


Do you think it might be hot if you murdered him?


File: 1472344149700.png (594.54 KB, 800x1000, 1470909948859.png)

Maybe…but I repress those feels and quite well.

It's one of those fantasies I doubt I'll ever act out unless it could be a murder suicide thing, I might consider that.


It's the best way to dispose of a partner you're still attracted to. You should try it out if you can't train him.

And it would make really good blog posts…


Hello FBI


The FBI will have more blood on its hands than any sociopathic /what/ anime gayblogger.


File: 1472347351803.png (785.43 KB, 750x1000, 1471737222361.png)

Tell him you're into breath play. Chain him to something in your apartment, turn on a cute anime and slowly strangle him to death. Tease him. Make him gradually believe his life is actually endangered. Make him talk about how much he idealizes you right before you stop letting him breathe.

You can store him for a while if you have a freezer. Organs and blood can be dissolved and discretely disposed of at an offsite location. Think you could stomach eating him?


File: 1472350042185.jpg (10.14 KB, 300x400, 1447364801974.jpg)

That kinda plan isn't bad and I already have the things needed for a plan like it so I won't leave an obvious spending trail and it also sounds really fun. As for eating I'm not too sure, I'm a bit of a pseudo-vegetarian because the only meat I let myself eat is white and I do that rarely…

The body disposing could be tricky but I've heard that if I have access to a large amount of concrete, I can encase each limb into a large concrete block, and drop them at various locations.

I do live in the "forest city" of Ontario after all…


File: 1472350755986.png (40.76 KB, 232x293, 1472150024414.png)

Keep some good cuts to serve to your next boyfriendo. Butts seem gross to eat from that magnotta video, so I wouldn't bother with those.

Concrete is ok if you're short on time. Otherwise you should properly dissect the body, pair flesh, powder brittled bone, etc. It could be done in a week if you have the time to dedicate to it.

More blocks means higher chance of discovery. Dissolving your boyfriends and draining them in various locations is the safer option. Make sure he doesn't have a phone on him.


/what/min pls band and del simpsons in magi quads threab bls.


I'm listening to lots of weeb music, I bet remi-anon (RIP) would've been very proud!


File: 1472352226591.gif (451.42 KB, 500x500, 1472002542425.gif)

Did he died? I missed out on a big chunk of the jpsaga between 12-14.


stop browsing those two imageboards. Don't surround yourself with toxic unhappy people, they'll rub off on you.


File: 1472353677487.jpg (99.65 KB, 418x448, ww.jpg)

ありげーたー ありがとう~!


File: 1472353848574.jpg (326.27 KB, 1374x1000, 1447356207150.jpg)

I remember that video and it did look like it would be hard to eat that part of the body, that's a good plan though.


Butts are for gently rubbing and tenderly squeezing and lovingly slapping - don't murder kill them!!


Do you want me to post the video?



File: 1472367808416.jpg (122.93 KB, 1280x720, 1471351129890.jpg)

Actually before you murder him you should abuse him a bit. Buying gifts at the outset is a strong indication of pliability.

Murder is the climax but you need a bit of foreplay. Train him to accept abuse and become a slave by normalizing smaller things like insults and double standards. Isolate him from his friends and family, cultivate total emotional dependence. Try to introduce physical abuse by saying it's your fetish or something and escalate to the point where he accepts casual beatings. Your boyfriends need to become good sex objects, but also objects that enhance your self esteem.

You should get your bfs to do one or more of these before their anime strangulation:

-get a conspicuous tattoo of your name
-eat your shit
-buy you something ridiculous
-quit a good job to be an apartment maid
-buy supplies and accessories unknowingly for their own murder

You're having fun juggling bfs now but the novelty will wear off and you'll need a bigger rush.


File: 1472368725260.jpg (168.58 KB, 603x700, shitat.jpg)

Deji spotted.


File: 1472370537699.jpg (226.65 KB, 2560x1440, 232092.jpg)

That is so wonderfully evil, it's like you took both a Sadodere and Yangire and forced them to make a baby…


Killing people is bad! You shouldn't do it!


File: 1472370930151.jpeg (61.96 KB, 674x677, c278a1731528fb8b878ed167f….jpeg)

Fags have no morals so there's no point in telling them that.


Gays aren't people. Gay weebs are a pathogen.


I was going to joke that niggerposting isn't allowed and that /what/min will ban and del but it was deleted before I could post, LOL!
Nice job being an antifun faggot /what/min.


>fall asleep on left side of bed
>pillow and towel on left side of bed
>Wake up on right side of bed
>10lb plate on the floor next to my bed is now on the left side of my bed

This honestly freaked me out and I have no clue how it happened.

No other human did this. I either somehow did this in my sleep and have no memory of it, or a weight lifting ghost visited me. I've never been known to sleepwalk before. Both are equally scary to me.


File: 1472374245790.jpg (Spoiler Image, 12.99 KB, 320x362, 1443866087592.jpg)

Niggerposting is allowed, what are you talking about?

That one thread got deleted because I was just deleting all of the Simpson spammer's posts.


File: 1472374354998.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.39 KB, 482x720, original.jpg)

>a weight lifting ghost visited me.


File: 1472375265770.png (2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1411046053972.png)

The gay midget Sakura-posting Canadian makes me horny.

I just want his tight butt on my lap…


I'd rather get fucked by someone who's actually a man


File: 1472389396798.jpg (93.79 KB, 844x980, ClpHywjUkAAZz9G.jpg orig.jpg)

Nope. I don't like murder or permanent damage, I'm sure I've made this clear before. I think it's abhorrent turning sex and companionship into something so destructive, and this is one of the reasons why I could never date a homo; they take their sadism/masochism way too far and their self-destructive nature makes them very unpleasant to deal with. The only good relationship is a wholesome one and you'll never have that with somebody who has those interests.


File: 1472405117630.png (226.43 KB, 1789x2721, 1442356624804.png)

You're meant to hate me not want to fuck me, how could you want to fuck someone who make such awful posts like mine…?


> I was just deleting all of the Simpson spammer's posts.

Thank you.


my lovely i love you love me back


File: 1472411509845.jpg (206.67 KB, 936x804, 1471720557721.jpg)

Deji is a gay heterosupremacist.

Does the line of degeneracy get transgressed when a cute guy pisses in your mouth?


that's grouse


>one of the reasons why I could never date a homo
You already dated a homo you gay fag.


i'm a homo will someone date me?


I'll date you but only if you're cute.


i love you so much let's get married right away!


uhm homos can't marry….


yeah they can…


no they can't!


i live in a gay friendly zone!




File: 1472440135116.png (570.23 KB, 961x1000, 1358722468180.png)

today I feel very 悲しくて、寂しい


where is oneesan? please get well soon!

and are you sure you're meant to put a comma there?
I guess maybe it makes it easier to read if you have a lot of adjectives you want to use. It's very useful in training your vocabulary to use lots of adjectives even if it sounds a bit ばかばかしくてたわいない.


where is whatfrien?>


Gonna make some tasty whatfries with cajun spice


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I've been 一人で since wednesday… I'll see her tomorrow though so maybe then I'll become genki again…
you're probably right, I have a habit of overusing commas, often in places where I would pause if I were actually saying it but not where they would normally go in written text.


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I'm too good for this place…


am feel sick from not eat


One time I was on the bus going to get something to eat because I hadn't ate all day but I had to get off the bus earlier because I started to feel sick and then i did a watery vomit around the trees in front of the train station and then after a little bit I felt better and I could walk the rest of the way to the shops to get something to eat and I felt really good after I ate something yummy so it was okay after that.

I prescribe that you eat 1 (one) yummy food as soon as possible and if symptoms persist, eat another 1 (one) yummy food immediately and then report back for another check up.


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are you one of those r*tards that thinks you can have friendos and bfs over the internet?


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>"safe sex"
Monogamous, heterosexual, vaginal intercourse?


It means "with a condom" you friggen dweeb.


Condoms aren't 100% effective, n*rmie.


i like seeing black people in films since i never see any irl


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That was one of the most surreal moments of my life.

I invited my BF over to my place yesterday because I was feeling sick from medication withdrawals, once he was here we sat on the couch and he started to rub my back and hold my hand and while he was doing so he turned and looked me in the eyes and said "I know what you've been trying to do, it's written all over your face…you don't hide things very well, at least form me."
I sat there frozen thinking that just maybe he might have be right but no one ever has. He continued "you don't need to be afraid y'know, you can try to run, you can try to fight, you can try whatever tricks you think you have it won't work because I know them all" while looking him in the eyes I replied with "w-what do you mean?" he replied back with "your fear, I know what it is and how no one else you've ever met has been able to find it until today"
I replied, "what do you think my fear is?" while I put on my best poker face and right there while I was gripping his hand like I was clapping down on a nutcracker and looking right at him he went and said it…and got it right. No one has ever been able to figure out my deepest fear but him..I was in awestruck by it but he didn't stop there he went on to say "The truth is that…I'm madly in love with you and I'm not going to let you be taken in by that demon you call your fear because no one should be afraid of that, you can hit me, call me names or whatever else because good luck I'm not going anywhere, you're mine forever" at that moment I was shivering so he went in to hug me and I let him and while he was hugging me he whispered into my ear the one simple remark I've never heard from any human…the one thing I've always wanted to hear.

After he said all that I made out with his face like an excited poodle, I didn't find just a BF I found something more..my other half, BF B and whom ever else, I don't care can take a hike now, I found my one and only. He's the only person who saw right through me and knew what I was doing to myself…


stopped reading


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corny af


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sayaka chang….


File: 1472502694848.webm (15.01 MB, 800x600, SPEEEDCOOOORE.webm) [play once] [loop]



"hey bb u r spshul person no need feel bad ia m here"
*pulls out vagina*


File: 1472507969441.mp3 (7.2 MB, 01 - Tamashii no Refrain (….mp3)

This EVA remix has become one of my favourite remixes because of Stepmania.

>*pulls out vagina*


The original is better. It doesn't work outside its ironic 90s japanese music retrospective context.


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i like both versions im not sure which i like better though.


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Why do homo creeps think it's acceptable to hit on straight dudes?


They aren't shamed by your dissaproval.


I wish fags didn't cute post on the internet only girls should be cuteposting


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ay bby want sum fuk?


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Is that supposed to be a good thing? Realise how disgusting you're being, creeps!

I know, right?


dennis post more eurobeat please


Says the creeplord himself.


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What about girly boys, are they allowed to cutepost?


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What did I ever do to get labelled a creep?


Will god forgive me if I become a gross transsexual gay femboy and then promptly kill myself because I'm a disgusting abomination?

Also, will god forgive denis after he kills and eats his boyfriend?

4Pq*, please respond.


I don't know, I have no authority to answer that.


you said he'd forgive me if i just killed myself. does this mean you lied to me?
are you just trying to get me to kill myself?


God will forgive you if you just sex your buddy in a straight way.


this, my priest informed my that I am in no way gay for getting my dick sucked


does anyone have the aria the natural ed wasn't it posted here before


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god is not real and nothing happens after you die so it doesn't matter


God wouldn't want you to kill yourself.

If dennis truly felt remorse and repented then god would probably forgive him, but the type of psycho who talks about eating their boyfriend probably wouldn't truly repent so its not like it matters.


Oh my god this is legitimately the most hilarious shit in the history of /what/, please do NOT stop blogging about your relationshit. I know exactly where this is headed but I want to read your rationalizations.


I'm kind of hoping the id*ot goes overboard and comes here going "GUYS GUYS GUYS SHIT GUYS HELP I DID SOMETHING DUMB HELP FUCK WHY WHAT HAVE I DONE THE BLOOD WON'T WASH OUT SHIT GUYS PLEASE HELP ME" that would be sugoii tanoshiimi~~



File: 1472631304381.png (18.13 KB, 146x309, 2014-10-19-044623_146x309_….png)

Hello, /what/min here. Being gay is no longer allowed on /what/. Gayposts will be deleted and serial gayposters will be banned.

Thank you, kind regards
- /what/min


/what/min is my boyfriend, he'd never say such a thing


Put this fag in his place, whatmin.


File: 1472651665596.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.9 KB, 1000x624, CqYzJO9UsAA1ivZ.jpg orig.jpg)

i'm going to have straight hetero sex with a girl and i'm gonna fill her fertile girl parts with my manly hetero seed and there's nothing you gayposters can do about it!!



You can live off this.

About $1 for 1500 calories worth of black beans
About $15 for 10496 calories worth of sunflower seeds (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KLLFFWQ)
About $2-3 for 50 calories worth of spinach (what you want is the high content of vitamin A and vitamin K, which 50 calories worth of spinach provides quite a lot of)
About $1 for 4 bananas
About $1 for a 70 calorie pack of salmon (salmon has low mercury/pollutants but sardines are much better if you can stand the taste)
About $4-5 for 12 eggs

This can provide you with all the nutrients you need except vitamin D (Get it from the sunlight or a pill, no one gets enough from diet).

Maybe add in some extra fruit for more vitamin C and variety, drink orange juice (especially with spinach), eat blueberries, etc.

You are what you eat, if you put disgusting shit food into your body you will be a disgusting shit!


who's the artist


>You are what you eat

I guess I need to eat more cute anime girls then…


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I really dont get the eating fetish


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That amazing feeling when you finally overpower your BF and maker him a total submissive in bed.

We had sex three times in one day…all three times I dominated the shit outta him, I called him names, bit apart his neck, slapped his ass and made sure I was the one to climax first….or else..
I guess someone who's short can be a Dom, I'm afraid I might go too rough one day and hurt him…


I want the positions to flip midway and have you be totally dominated just like my doujins


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I would really enjoy that I just hope you would be physically strong enough to flip me over because I won't let myself be dominated easily, I doubt that would be hard though since I'm short, light and only mildly muscular. All I can lift is 98lb or 108lb at most.


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>All I can lift is 98lb or 108lb at most.

So weak. How do you plan to hurt anyone when you'd break your back picking up a twelve year old?


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Dumbbell guy doko? What happened to your bragbost?


He got sold into slavery by /what/min.


Deji is flirting with you!


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I was horny, and since I've gained some muscle I've gotten a bit of a fetish for manhandling someone smaller, you know sex where you flip them over, hold them down, pick them up, etc.

Then I felt embarrassed. I still wish he would post pics of himself though.


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That was fast. You should pretend you don't care next time.


When are we getting our erp board?


File: 1472683211601.jpg (198.58 KB, 960x720, [Yellow-Flash]_Yuu_Yuu_Hak….jpg)

Benis has posted lots of pics of himself though. And I know how you feel, I like small girls because it makes me feel super big when we do rough play.


I've only seen the pics posted on /butt/.


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There's a whole minute there, it's not like it was two seconds or something.


Right now there isn't anyone on /what/ as annoying as the gothic lolita fucktard. Somehow he managed to surpass even the simpson spammer. The power of autism truly is something to behold


Right now there isn't anyone on /what/ as annoying as the dani fucktard. Somehow he managed to surpass even the simpson spammer. The power of autism truly is something to behold


Thanks. Now I know which opinions are good.


i think i would like the gothic lolita spammer if he posted pictures of anime girls waring gothic lolita


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If you're that much stronger you're free to Dom and degrade me for your own pleasure…




sly bunne!


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But you have a boyfriend, I'm a paragon of monagamy, do you really believe that I could do something so heinous? And more importantly, you're not my type and I don't find you attractive. I've no interesting in dominating you or playing your gay BDSM games.


So you can lift 2 times your bodyweight? That's impressive


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What a shame and all I was doing was playing internet flirting so it's hardly cheating.

I try, I also know some kinds of self-defence like weapon disarming, submissions and striking too. I live in a shitty area so knowing that and being strong is pretty much a must.

knowing it also helps me feel more comfortable when I go on jogs through the ghettos…


No offense but that's not going to stop someone who's 6' and weighs 90lbs more than you.


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Even if it's silly stuff over the internet, it's still cheating! The most I'd give you is some friendly bullying, like locking your head in my armpits and forcing you to tell me how good my manly musk smells. Anything else is too gay and lewd, which is what you should save for your bf.


Like me
*flex biceps*


Just buy a gun retard.




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i like it when that thing does that thing you know? \( ^v^)/


i dont :(


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This is a blog post, please read if you want to read it.

Today I went to a coffee shop. I've only ever gone to two coffee shops/houses in my life, so this time it was the third time.

My manager at a job I used to work at used to like chai tea, it was the only sort of coffee/tea thing he would drink and he was a very cynical self-deprecating shrug-it-off just-get-the-job-done kind of guy and I got along with him very well because neither of us were very arrogant or anything like that and if anything went wrong we'd never blame anyone and we'd just take responsibility because it's just the professional no-nonsense bullshit thing you do and then you can spend more time just getting on with the job and fixing the problem (I'll probably never again have a manager as good as he was) so I thought chai tea would be good for me too.

I had it once before and it was nice so I had it again today and I also ordered a chocolate tart. The chai tea came in a little white teapot and I had to pour my own from the teapot and it was really hot so I put it to the side for a bit and focused on the tart. They warmed the tart up slightly and the chocolate melted and it was really yummy and sweet and they served it with cream which was slightly cool and it was a really nice combination of tastes.

The tea was very nice and sweet too once it had cooled down a little bit and I really enjoyed it and I could fill the cup up 3 (three) times from the same little white teapot.

I really liked my experience and I wished I could've shared it with someone nice like a nice /what/friend or someone.

I think it put me in the mood for Café Lumière too, so maybe I'll enjoy the movie more too when I whatch it this weekend!

Tomorrow I will return a faulty light bulb too. Wish me luck!

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post today. Please have nice days!


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I enjoyed your blogpost. Now I want to go to a coffee house but there's none here (´・ω・`)

Your manager sounds like a good one. Managers are usually very unpleasant people, you were lucky to have known one like him


That blog post was very ii ne, thanks for posting it!


boring and gay

just like you


I wouldn't mind a boring and gay birlboyfriend as long as they were nice…


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I re-watched the first two Madoka Magica movies with my BF and he said I'm a lot like Homura…while he felt he was more of a Kyoko or Madoka, I also caught him tearing up during the later half of the first one. Heh.

When he left back to his place he sent me a text saying: "You're like my soul gem I always feel dead when I leave back to my home. :(" It made me feel bad…

I remember when I checked out my local tea place, there sakura kyoto cherry blossom tea was to die for. It's one of my favourite teas now.


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neat NEETcave


Stop posting Denis you know you make me feel sad


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I can't wait until I become friends with A_Friend, it's going to be great I'm sure!


A_fren is my fren


File: 1472833685106.mp3 (1.76 MB, 13. WAKA LAKA - JENNY ROM ….mp3)

It's a never ending story.


The best way to become his fren is to play card games with him!


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Why would anybody be gay when stinky girl panties exist?


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That is my fetish.



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What about stinky boy panties?


Boys don't wear panties……


But I wear panties all the time!


Freak! Go die!


Uhm there's nothing wrong with wearing cute and silky underwear!


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Who'd want to smell a man's soiled underwear? That's just sick.


I sometimes smell my stinky underwear when it has a nice cummy smell


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VERY rough erp going on on /t-p/ right now, /what/min please do something!


Girls are dirty and have all sorts of disgusting stuff running down their vag**s, this isn't hot at all


umm since I started my hrt treatment if I don't wash for a couple of days my down there parts started smelling like a girls parts …. >.<


How do you know what girl parts smell like?


He smelled his sister/cousin's panties.




I found some funny pictures that I took in Japan a few years ago. Should I post them?


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Hopefully you don't end up looking like this.


big ichimashi forehead



Playing CSGO at high ranks

>We're no strangers to love… You know the rules and so do I

At higher ranks people already have seen everything hundreds of times over to the extent that it's hard to take the game seriously or get mad. The things people feel the need to yell over in lower ranks evolve into things that are usually met with a quiet nonchalant acknowledgment, or a hehe.

People tend to keep their mouths shut tighter. Your teammate whiffed shots and zomg he sucks? You have seen this happen thousands of times by now, at this point you're a retard if you're still getting mad. The game seems to turn more individualistic in higher ranks, with people playing for their own satisfaction and caring less about what their teammates do.


I've heard the exact opposite being claimed, that the lower ranks are all "i don't give a fuck about my team" and that higher level plays are all well-coordinated team matches like in tournaments and stuff.


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He's talking about unranked matches, which applies for any game.

I don't even bother with team games any more. The outcome is soley dictated by whichever team has the higher concentration of retards.


mad cuz bad LUL


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I play competitive games for the intellectual intimacy that can only come from total domination of a garbage nerd. I like smashing egos and dismantling dorks as they realize I already know every action they will take until I mercifully end the game. I only played dark souls for the ganks, because 1v1s simply weren't fair anymore.

Randomly smashing against people in moba/fps orgies has no appeal.


They're not playing the same game as me then, in higher ranks there's a general assumption that even if the guy appears to be a dumbass he knows what he's doing. Something like switching where you play on CT usually happens silently and without complaints, the other players see "oh I guess he's playing B this round, I'll play A" and this change mostly happens silently. In lower ranks yelling matches and mental combustion can start over "muh spot".

I'm talking about high-rank matchmaking, not professional-level/tournaments/unranked.

The reasons I play are similar. I have a lot of playtime in CSGO, and it's still satisfying to kill a real person in the game.


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You shouldn't kill real people…


Hopefully one day we will become reptilian and we won't have to shave our b*tts anymore…


Sure :)


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4pq sucks


i only got to the top gold nova and nobody ever complained about where you went or how bad you shot


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I am freeing them from this nightmare.


Oh no, I'm already up to episode 6 of gochiusa. That means there's 6 less episodes I can watch. I will cry when I don't get to watch it anymore. Why are things like this? Why couldn't I just live forever as a anime with my /what/frens?


There are dozens of anime I never finished because of this, I just stop watching them when they are on the last episodes, so it feels like they will never end.
It's really sad


you can just rewatch the shows i've rewatched love live like 5 times so far probably


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>i've rewatched love live like 5 times so far probably


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>i've rewatched love live like 5 times so far probably


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Stop posting these Shinji pics!


smack smack splurt splurt


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How come whatmin doesnt want to do the gay with me. Hes ignoring me completely. Is he just shy.


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You're an ugly annoying cunt, and the best way to deal with you is to just ignore your autistic ramblings. No amount of rejection, criticism, or even banning seems to get the message through to your poisoned microcephalus brain that you're not welcome here or on any other /jp/ spin-off; so just like a dirty wild animal begging for scraps it's best to simply ignore you in the hopes that you'll go away after you realise there is nothing here for the likes of you.


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File: 1473037409117.jpg (70.36 KB, 1000x844, 1465780072094.jpg)

and just who are you to say what isand isnt welcome on a public webzone
obviously there is nothing here for me, asthis is a place for stupid dumb autists and not for free thinking independent intelligent men like myself


File: 1473038326776.jpg (742.4 KB, 1748x2480, c590aa974fffddffc69100d08a….jpg)

It's just some asspained jan trying to "prove" that you need sociopaths like him to moderate content on imageboards because he can shit up boards without rules.

Just ignore it until it goes away.


"Public" doesn't mean "everyone is welcome and free to do whatever they want regardless of how it affects others". There are rules for a reason, if you do not follow them or basic /jp/sphere etiquette you are not welcome. This is why you keep getting banned, you were given more than enough chances to fix your behaviour, there really aren't that many rules you need to follow nor are they very strict, and people were as clear as day when telling you what you were doing wrong; were it not for your lack of basic human intelligence and empathy you would still be welcome on the spin-offs but sadly your parents failed you either by poor raising or due to imparting broken genes onto your person, and as such you are banned on sight on not only my site but various others.

You're also a very solid argument for mandatory testing and abortion on foetuses.


File: 1473039131399.png (189 KB, 565x536, 1472962585461.png)

>this post is not satire. it is 100% serious and unironic

i cry evrytime.

I guess I wasnt gay enough for your homo board? Did you know while you sperged on like a autist about literally the dumbest shit ever 12,000 children are dying being starved and there is a literal war going on


File: 1473039623943.jpg (166.29 KB, 1000x1024, 1422511712787.jpg)

Absolutely savage.


Oh no, arabs are killing each other and there are 12k less children for you to rape, how will I ever live with myself for giving you a verbal smackdown over your inappropriate behaviour when things I don't care about are happening elsewhere?


File: 1473040529187.png (100.88 KB, 526x460, 1462008022965.png)

Much like you don't care about things that actually matter in the world, nobody (read: nobody) cares about your interpretation of "/jp/ etiquette".


If that was the case I wouldn't get reports or people asking me to rangeban you. The only person who thinks you should be allowed to post is yourself, there isn't a single person on your side and due to your spamming and ugly face there are very few that are even neutral about you.


File: 1473041280653.jpg (56.29 KB, 250x234, LllkerktT4K5K.jpg)

Me and my coworkers are laughing at you. You don't even know how to rangeban.


What board are you admin on?


i like the ichimashi scene where nobue-oneechan wakes up and it's really cold and she does the "pretending to smoke" thing in the cold air and it's really cute cute!


holy fr*g otamin is going HAM ITT


File: 1473066065630.jpg (242.96 KB, 850x1226, 1470573277488.jpg)

otamin is the biggest sperg on the jp sphere. Its like hitler and chris-chan had a baby and he is a moderator that does it for free


I love dick in panties and thighhighs


With or without a dick, I think panties with thigh highs are a true miracle of this world.


would you suck my d*ck if I wore panties and thigh-highs for you?


i would suck it anyway


Of course I would, that's what friends are for

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