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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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 No.4925[Last 50 Posts]

This is the official (0%) /what/ blog thread. If you have anything you want to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


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My sister got herself banned on Miiverse again for trolling furries and Undertale fans…

I remember when I was a teenager on Habbo Hotel and how 80% of my friends list was aussies. Made me feel unique.


Cute Alice pic!


File: 1467314472511.jpg (153.58 KB, 800x600, 1463816043543-0.jpg)

Thanks, it's meant to be an apng though but I saved it wrong, I should re-save the original on Danbooru.


How old is your sister


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Sixteen. I tell to not worry about them but she has a true hatred for them because they keep overshadowing her art she makes and posts.

"Those disgusting weirdos shouldn't be allowed on the Internet. Wish they would fuck off."
- My sister on furries.

"Holy shit draw something else besides this meme shit. People payed for that game? Wow."
- On Undertale.


Can I get her email or what's up


Its also spelt paid


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She's probably fat and ugly.


Yeah can you post her silhouette first or someyhubg similar before you give me her email


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No and the answer will always be no…


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How about you post something else…


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I would rather do a show-for-show…
Or you can donate to my paypal.


Why you always trying to stop your sis from being happy just give me her email


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I am her guardian so anyone who wants to even get close to her goes through me first.

So far no one has even come close to gaining my trust…
She doesn't even have an E-mail or any kind of social media besides Youtube and things relating to Nintendo, she's too much of a hipster to use those.


Give me her digits


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>She doesn't even have an E-mail or any kind of social media besides Youtube and things relating to Nintendo
So she's fat and ugly, got it.


UR fat LOL




If she was a hipster she would have accounts on facebook, instagram, snapchat, etc. Sounds like she probably just doesn't have many friends or is not a very social person.


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Thinking about buying the new RX480 GPU.


I want to fuck that guys sis and put a thumb in her butt


the stereotypical "hipster" that people think of doesn't even exist. it's as meaningless as saying "pixies and unicorns have social media accounts".


I feel like this is also true for SJWs


They're definitely real, just rarer than the internet would have you believe.

At least if you're only talking about severe cases. Lesser forms of SJW are very common. I would say most people in the western world have their mind's poisoned by leftist lies.


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I love it when I just say a simple word and people start pointless banter around it…


I love it when you say anything…


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File: 1467345930916.gif (487.03 KB, 281x281, 1407040329696.gif)


Good edit.



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I've always been a mpc-hc person.

My pointer should render into your sub-ass…I'll make it a raw_input


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I think it's super hot when girls cross their legs any /what/friends know what I mean?


no I don't really find that particularly arousing.


Not enough dicks involved or something, fag?


yeah if she had a dick and some muscles I would probably find it hotter tbh



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hey buddy can you explain what exactly about being attracted to a GIRL with a dick makes me a fag? fucking idiot


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Went hiking for the holiday and spotted a bunch of gofers and bumble bees. Saw some nice purple flowers and mushrooms too but I ended up forgetting my camera so no pictures…

I might go next weekend or Sunday and take pictures, I would go fishing too but have no one to take and I don't have my gear anymore.

Really wish I had a bro to go fishing with..


I'll be your fishing bro


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My Yaoi also came in the mail today, it's been a good holiday.

Even if I spend it alone..


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Thanks, I know how to spot a good fishing spot. It's where the birds like to circle.


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Typical banter from Japanese and very far-east Russians.


i fuck /what/min in his little ass too


not generally but yeah that angle where you can see her thigh is really nice


why the fuck do you play on servers where you get 200 ping? are you just that much of a weeb?


I almost always only play on the server closest to me, sometimes I play on other country's servers though because I find the international aspect of it interesting.

Japanese are very quiet, few of them have mics. Also the Japanese server has a very large amount of far-eastern Russians playing on it, chances are good you won't even be playing with much Japanese people.


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So how long until we have something like F-zero Nascar?


wibbly wobbly /what/min…


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Hopefully soon….

I would love to live in a time with that or racing like in WipEout.


i remember playing wipeout fusion a lot but all the vehicles reminded me a lot of the star wars racers from back on the n64.


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abbo hotel


my grandpa is not well, he's on a surgery right now. i'm afraid


I'm gay and all but this image really turns me on


I hope your grandpa will be okay!


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Damn nightmares came back again and here I was thinking I stopped them and it's always the same one. Walking up with weird physical pains, headaches and the memory of it isn't fun, worse part is that even when lucid I can't do much I'm still in it but can't escape most I can do to better my chance of making it less painful.

One time when I tried to leave it the nightmare only got worse like it was getting mad. It always involves me fighting hordes and later a weird figure I can't fully make out, I have yet to "win" the fight because things kept getting more messed up as it went on until I'm forced awake…

The longer I stay in the stronger my psychical pain and headaches are. The psychical pains is always were I got hit too, I have yet to die in any of the nightmares.


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Someone help slay the dream demons that attack me in my nightmares…


Try hanging up a dream catcher next to your bed!


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That could work, I was thinking of rearranging my room and getting flowers and other scented things. I'll look into that too though.


I hope it'll help you with keeping your bad dreams at bay!


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Should I watch Ouran Highschool Host Club?


Sounds gay


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This bitch throws a baby and

>Don't worry he has a strong skeleton


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The 3rd one will always be my favourite.
I hope so as well.
In what context does someone find the need to throw a baby…


do you guys ever think about kissing a dude?


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All the time.


did you ever do it?


>In what context does someone find the need to throw a baby…

That's what was so strange about the scene.

Another woman asked if she could hold the baby, and then she threw the baby to her and said "catch".

There's no explanation other than they thought it was funny because "she has a strong skeleton" (it's not shown that the baby was altered in some way from a normal human).

They also take the baby in their combat ships to fight, and use the baby as a psychological weapon.


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Nope….I've done some sex acts but they have never been intimate and it was mostly one-sided.


>use the baby as a psychological weapon.
This reminds of child soldiers that are used by drug cartels to deter police.


being really intimate with someone is my fetish


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Possible spoilers but not really:

In Macross the aliens they're fighting have never been exposed to sex, all they know in life is war/combat. Things like sexy grills, music, "love", etc. are used as psychological weapons which disturb/confuse them.


Normal sexual contact is a fetish now?


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That makes sense at least for anime.

Anything can be a fetish these days.


want to be intimate with one another?


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No but I sucked a cummer once


you slut…


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But I'm not…


you better not be, you're mine


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oh, okay.


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i'm going to pin you down and kiss you


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You can't trip me because I've already fallen for you…


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Wait I miss read pin as trip for some reason so that doesn't even make sense.

I always mess thing s up


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you messed my heart up as well


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Speaking of this, someone left a hand-made dream catcher outside my house today.

The heart frame is metal, the strings across the center of it feel like some kind of hemp/flax thread. I don't know who left it.


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Um, yeah. Okay…you too.


Are you the /what/fren with bad dreams?
It looks cute!


>Are you the /what/fren with bad dreams?



Maybe it's a message left by your secret lover >v<


whoa, check out this blushing anigirl!


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I've never read a light novel, but these fucking light novel animes are complete fucking dogshit. They are all, with out fail, ever single one of them, BAD. It makes me so mad that people are making money off of this garbage. I wish I could go to Japan and genocide these authors and the shitty otaku that support them.

I just watched like 8 or so episodes of this "konosuba" show and boy was it awful. They go to the parallel world, get their party together, and then you know what they do? Nothing. I mean, they do "something" but it's not anything that progresses the story or develops the characters. It's almost as if the author/animators are deliberately dragging things out so they can suck up as much lonely otaku money as possible.

OreImo was like that too. I fucking ''HATE' OreImo. Haruhi is bad. That RomCom anime is bad. The Monogatari series is bad. Haganai is bad. Index was sort of ok, but that spin off series is bad.

How can these people keep getting away with it?

Gintama is the only good anime.


I agree but goddamn son, chill out.


*chills out*


Now I just watched 3 episodes of this Saekano show and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm just gonna go to bed.


watching starship troopers i really like this movie


what are you even doing here


Is liking terrible shows a requirement to post here?


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What is it about alcohol that compels such a strong will to explain to others that you're drunk?

This even applies to people who would shun the behavior when sober.


I don't tell people I'm drunk. I just sit quietly.
I get really embarrassed and apologize a lot if someone notices that I'm drunk and calls me out. This is especially true if they're trying to help me (e.g. I'm struggling to get up some stairs and they'll help me up, that sort of thing) and they notice I'm drunk. I apologize profusely because I feel like I'm just a massive burden on everyone and I've ruined their night and it makes me want to die even more.

I don't like being drunk like that.


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Found out tonight my Father that I hardly knew who and was an abusive asshole is dying, funny..the last thing I told him was that I hoped he died painfully but yet I don't feel any gratification from this now that it's happening.

Just emptiness…

That's one of my favourite Rika pictures.
>What is it about alcohol that compels such a strong will to explain to others that you're drunk?
It is a mystery….


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Why don't you feel this instead?

*whips out dick*


whoa, lewd~ /what/min pls spoiler lewd squiddy tiddy


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mikan tabetai


mikan oishii?


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Trump posted this, and CNN repeatedly keeps claiming that it came from a "neo-nazi message board" (4chan).

It didn't actually come from /pol/, some guy on twitter made it, but it was posted on /pol/.


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Should I do it?


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This is really exactly what Italian Americans sounded/looked like. All of their houses looked like that too.


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Just found this big tittie woman on pixiv


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Hello, /what/friends. I don't really post here much, but I'm forwarding this:
Some guy came to original /jp/ and posted a thread about finding pic related at last weekend's anime con thing. He is only familiar with that place's /jp/ so if it's yours he doesn't know how to contact you.


I like the big tittie greek babes from Soul Calibur


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rabi doko?
i hope she's okayi




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All three of these characters were gay.

All three if them suffered the same fate….


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Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!


Don't circumcise your cummer, it'll lose sensitivity and look less cute!


well if mine lost sensitivity that's a good thing because it's already super-sensitive.


Are you trying to tell me that if I circumcise my cummer, it'll become a useless ochinpo that bounces pathetically while a real man fucks my beepee which would then become the only way I could feel good "down there"?


Are you trying to tell me that my cummer would become a mean merciless fuckmachine that can relentlessly hammer away at a birl's prostate for hours without cumming?




Okay it was found, nevermind.


File: 1467826517475.mp3 (4.83 MB, 601 - 2 Pieces for Cello a….mp3)

Listening to classical music.


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This dating site better be worth it since it wants my height up front…


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This site is 80% Asians….


E-date Me


umm he's mine go away…


Make me, nerd


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Some of these profiles are a little depressing…

"I am an average guy who wants a long term relationship. I like to go out with friends, have fun and just be myself. I have never dated anyone before and want to find that special someone."

That's the description of one of my matches.

I would real life date someone from here if it were possible….I'm scared of being here still single at like 30 or worse so I really want to give this a chance.


I'd love to date you but you won't come here…


is this grindr??


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But I don't know where or even who you are…stop being mysterious.

I don't want to say the site for piracy reasons.


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Oops…guess I should proof read my post, specially when I'm half a sleep.


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I wish all you faggots would get AIDS and die already.


I only want to get /what/AIDS from a /what/friendo


I've only tried e-harmony and I only tried it for about 45 minutes. Or like the gay/bi portion of e-harmony, e-homony probably - they shovel all the homos to a different website. I saw that the free users got around the restrictions by just linking their FB or other social media account.

It asks a lot of questions and matches seemed pretty good for the little time and effort i put into it. I bet you could meet someone really nice on there if you tried hard but, for me at least, it was sad clicking around and reading all the profiles. By the end of it I just felt really downcast and tired and I never visited again.

Also, I could never contact someone like that over FB or something, way too scary. What's wrong with email?


soft buny butte




File: 1467889353381.mp3 (5.83 MB, I wish he was my whatfrien….mp3)

whomo theme song


File: 1467904853478.mp3 (8.82 MB, 05 Only Heather.mp3)

I like it.


File: 1467908716286.mp3 (6.86 MB, 02. Take My Bones Away.mp3)



File: 1467917633095.mp3 (7.48 MB, 10 You'd Be Cuter If I Sho….mp3)



>Upgrade modem
>No change in service plan
>Download speeds go from 30Mb/s to 175Mb/s

Shieet. I only get these speeds when I'm connected directly from my computer with a gigabit NIC to the modem though, my router is too slow and I can't get over 100Mb/s through it. Just bought new gigabit router that I'm going to install OpenWrt on, also nice quality cat6 ethernet cables.


The modem is actually a modem/router combo from Comcast, which I put into bridge mode so the router is completely disabled and it just acts as a modem. It was surprisingly not nearly as bad as I thought, I thought it would be completely locked down but it was decent. It didn't have much features, in particular no ability to spoof MAC address.


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poor TNA wishes he had a /what/friend to gay on him


File: 1467931905849.jpg (874.43 KB, 600x750, 40122141_p97.jpg)

Less then 24Hrs and I have over four people wanting to meet me and the number goes up each time I refresh, I didn't think it would go like this…

FUCK! This is almost too much.


ii ne…



Happy 七夕, /what/!


File: 1467932975044.jpeg (397.4 KB, 622x640, 1426273373521.jpeg)

Hopefully I won't break from this pressure…


You can always settle for a /what/fren instead!


I hope he settles for me


Alexs are going to FUCK denis' BOIPUSSY while YOU cum pathetically and CRY


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Um..who's Alex? I want to know.


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File: 1467937146092.gif (1.61 MB, 390x520, this is fine.gif)

It is.

90-100F and the house feels like an oven at times, but I'm still living fine in a house with no AC. All I need is a fan.


It's the middle of the night but my room is still super hot. I would open a window but then all kinds of bugs would come flying in… I was thinking about getting a small fan for my room but I've spend too much money on the steam sale and now I'll have to manage my finances carefully for the rest of this month or else I might starve…


Your window doesn't have a screen?




That's multiple alexs, i guess it's like a "chad" but they're Greek instead of n*gger. An "alex" is thus probably a big muscly Greek man with a huge mediterranean p*nis.


ii neee…


why didn't you let me buy you games instead? then we could be frens and cuddle…


I would feel bad about having someone else buy games for me… We are already /what/frens so you can cuddle me any time!


how do i become /what/friend as well??


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Impressive ASS subs.


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Post on /what/!


File: 1467942419813.jpg (174.97 KB, 728x1132, rgdv001_c001_022.jpg)

So I've been reading Legal Drug and notice that my physical copy is different then the scans I looked up. Stuff like "asshole" was in my physical but the scan had "moron" instead. I've also seen that the dialog was switched up to make it non-gay. As it makes the two main characters seem like friends then lovers.

Who's responsible for this shit…?


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Ehh, shoujo manga? What a homo


no bly!!


File: 1467943790259.jpg (15.43 KB, 250x250, 1419374038244.jpg)

The scans also censored drug references.

Turns out all those scans come from a Tumblr translation group, figures….

I read it for the Shōnen-ai themes.


Use "then" when you write about things in subsequence or in relationship to time.

Use "than" when you write about how things differ from each other in comparison.

I hope this information has helped you on your quest~! Please have a nice day today.



hello /what/

i love you /what/


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File: 1467951134480.png (162.8 KB, 746x1000, 38561743_p0.png)

my one online friend said he was going to kill himself and i responded with "haha see you tomorrow" and then a week later i found out he actually killed himself :(



hello friend

i love you friend


It's all your fault fucking shitstain



Chad is White
Tyrone is Black


File: 1467989436898.mp3 (15.01 MB, 03) Peter Gabriel - Don't ….mp3)



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nagomu yo ne~


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File: 1468007998842.png (2.32 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-07-08-155655_1920x108….png)

Look at these poor Romanian girls.


File: 1468008030420.png (2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-07-08-155609_1920x108….png)

jk they live in this


There could be dozens of people living in that, it doesn't mean they're wealthy


>There could be dozens of people living in that

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Your extended family living in one giant castle, and you just get extensions added if you need more space.


Personally I wouldn't want to live with my extended family. That sounds like hell.


That's because your extended family isn't a wealthy traditional Romanian family where all the girls still where dresses.

Why don't girls wear dresses in the west anymore? They either want to dress like trashy sluts or wear jeans.


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Hello darkness my old friend, Its been awhile….hasn't it? Don't you ever feel like you should be bugging someone else? Do you even feel at all?

"Kai su, teknon?"



File: 1468011877869.jpg (33.64 KB, 273x640, image.jpg)

> They either want to dress like trashy sluts or wear jeans.
Like this one?


That's a cute outfit though, especially with the boots. Maybe she was doing yard work?

It's different from American girls wearing jeans, it's just another piece of trashy clothing to go with their "Juicy" printed booty shorts.


File: 1468012191454.jpg (70.55 KB, 1280x720, 1415214552711.jpg)

You're so cute, /what/min…


I guarantee you that little slut got those jeans pre-ripped/faded. Those aren't work jeans, or work boots. Work jeans to down to your ankles and work boots have laces.


You're right they are obviously pre-ripped.

Still not the same as American girls wearing them. Most of the females are in dresses/robes.


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My body is a cage, my mind is the key. I need to shoot it high,
Let my spirit be free, bury myself under a blue sky.
Drowning in blue rivers with a muffled scream…Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls, Be afraid of the cold, They'll inherit your blood.

Après moi, le déluge….

Pre-ripped jeans are like Limp Bizkit. They both showed up in the 90s and both have over stayed there welcome….


Are you ok dude?


File: 1468024376111.mp4 (13.66 MB, 640x480, out.mp4)

This guy on my team got mad at me for force buying a shotgun. "We can just kick him I'd rather play with a bot" he said.

Then "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, *ass-kissing*"



File: 1468026587592.gif (843.52 KB, 800x450, 1419463744872.gif)

I'm fine besides coming off like a socially awkward teenager to everyone who wanted to see me through my dating profile and not getting any replies back because of it.

It's all good…

Thanks, Phil…


I'd reply back to you…


File: 1468028162085.gif (845.72 KB, 500x281, 1467499969743.gif)

I would talk to you…if I knew who you were!
Is this Jake from State farm again!?




disapinted that there / they're / their doesn't have a song named CM PUNK grammer slam


File: 1468028753183.jpg (194.4 KB, 800x600, __shota_admiral_and_z1_leb….jpg)

Stop it, this is getting torturous.

I really want to know, who are you?
Come on tell me who are you?


Where did batman go? I was going to correct his grammar…


I bet it was /what/min, he always dels his posts


File: 1468030725927.webm (14.19 MB, 1280x720, meido.webm)

I've been hearing a lot of stories about people getting raided after they post edgy stuff online, even for song lyrics.

I highly doubt I would even get investigated over that if someone sent that post to the fbi tips webpage. Also I was gonna pick a different picture, but then I just didn't because it was a dumb unfunny post anyway.


I don't think you need to worry about that, those probably only happen in more public places like facebook and twitter.


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I used to not like police in general, but most of them are ok.

My major problem is they might as well be a traffic-violation business rather than a police force. They'll be there to get another nickel off someone for not wearing their seatbelt, or for mildly speeding, but they don't deal with the real crime.

Also many of them like to play robo-cop and think everything in life can work by the book. They're real humans and they should act like it, they should step outside the law when it's morally justifiable.


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Do you think remi-anon has a jpopsuki invite?
sigh, remi will never like /what/ enough to come back…


Gorilla Glue #4, developed by GG Strains, is a potent hybrid strain that delivers heavy-handed euphoria and relaxation, leaving you feeling “glued” to the couch. Its chunky, resin-covered buds fill the room with pungent earthy and sour aromas inherited from its parent strains, Chem’s Sister, Sour Dubb, and Chocolate Diesel. Taking first place in both the Michigan and Los Angeles 2014 Cannabis Cups as well as the High Times Jamaican World Cup, this multiple award-winning hybrid's supremacy is no longer a secret, and consumers will search far and wide to get their hands sticky with Gorilla Glue #4.


File: 1468047286207.mp4 (5.25 MB, 480x360, Yukkuri Doom Hack Part II ….mp4)



File: 1468047686167.png (2.31 MB, 1920x1080, shot0009.png)

Name of wad?

I just got into custom doom wads recently and was playing going down.



I know a lot of good ones one of my favourites is oblige: http://oblige.sourceforge.net/

I also have U.A.C. LABS which still has Eric Harris Readme in its original form.


File: 1468103983421.jpg (55.89 KB, 600x600, 1439230771977.jpg)

27 year old Male, 5' 10" (178cm)
High school
Balloon Crew

"Evening cute dude how's it going? Any plans this weekend?"



I wish I could date you


I wonder if any /what/friends know how to fly a balloon…


You should make a dating website for /what/friends!


File: 1468106542696.mp3 (16.74 MB, 113 - The Musical Offering….mp3)



File: 1468119022886.jpg (42.35 KB, 377x378, 1422112738203.jpg)

That reminds me of this one forum that was talked about on Uboachan awhile ago. It was aseptically made for NEETS and shut-ins, it also worked as a meet-up site. People were split-up about it really working because how much of a contradiction it all was.

I wish I could remember the damn name of it…



what-ch /vip/ is the dating part of /what/, but you need a /what/ gold account to access it.




File: 1468119936236.jpg (155.52 KB, 1920x1080, 138501264138.jpg)

Yes I should have said "specifically" instead, cut me a break it's boiling in this room and I haven't got a new fan yet…I'm pretty much in my underwear all day.




Playing ARMA with friends looks like a lot of fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwfzELushJQ


You can play arma with googeyyley~!


You can't


File: 1468194672311.jpg (126.58 KB, 662x464, bkiss.jpg)

a beekiss for my beefren


very cute! >v<


File: 1468262847440.jpg (304.23 KB, 700x933, ed1f28ffe4982439baf46903fa….jpg)



Don't give me that look young lady.


She's 45.


can friends kiss friends


i was looking at my cock in the mirror and I got a boner

i have one sexy dick


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Finally finished Texhnolyze…..


did you enjoy it?


nice, me too


File: 1468287756284.gif (378.04 KB, 356x314, yuuko-lsd1.gif)

Yes, even though I made me feel like shit…


File: 1468288591452.webm (3.15 MB, 640x360, texhnolyze Ep 22.webm)

It's one of my favorite shows, but it's very kanashii


File: 1468289324565.png (71 KB, 250x187, NPxT9db.png)

It's for sure going in my top fives, I'm going to need something happier now.
I've been watching nothing but sad anime for months.

I might re-watch Puni Puni Poemii.


I wonder if there's an anime about bees



I did too!


sunday flower anon went on a journey, just like elsy did. i'm really sad now, everything nice is gone and I have a sore throat.


posted this:

>We'll see each other again someday.

instead of the usual:

>Let today be another wonderful day!

RIP sunday flower friendo.


Me too!


only pain and tears now


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Does anyone here play 100% Orange Juice? They released some new story mode campaigns and it got me in the mood to play with some frens!


File: 1468341805717.jpg (17.33 KB, 400x366, yoshikawa1.jpg)

Reminds me of that one episode of GTO.

Onizuka will forever be my favourite MC, next to Kintaro and M.D. Geist.



if you order the 4gb reference card you might get lucky and save $30 as some are just locked 8gb ones apparently



I have it but never really played much.


I only play it with frens but usually everyone gets bored of it after a while, it's still fun to play every now and then though or whenever they release new characters!


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however the reference cards have the weak 6pin connector and worse cooling. plus aftermarket ones have cool satanic imagery. if you get this model and put thermal paste in the shape of a star of david on your intel CPU heatsink it will give your PC special powers.


I was really thinking about buying this version if it isn't insanely expensive.

I want the sheriff star still on it though, not a pentagram.


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Why is she bullying him?


some people like being bullied


Bullying is wrong!


get bullied nerd


File: 1468351387141.jpg (94.25 KB, 348x489, heh.jpg)

Not if it's a hot babe bullying my dong.


no bly


File: 1468353127587.png (16.59 KB, 417x500, 1466531909716.png)


This video shows you how much modern society changes humans. It's hard to imagine that these guys could be drug dealing thugs if they were born in a modern US city.


I was born in a modern US city and I'm not a drug dealer……..


That's because you're not black.


Not all black people are drug dealers, RACIST!!!!!!!


Yes some of them live in the jungle and eat each other.


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File: 1468360151634.png (Spoiler Image, 128.1 KB, 600x900, 143225251199.png)



I was too, but i'll probably chicken out and go for the safer choice from sapphire when prices come down a bit.


Someone post "stop it, get help.gif"


File: 1468366406054.jpg (81.66 KB, 500x494, its not really.jpg)



File: 1468389490810.webm (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, rubberband.webm)

They decided to release Ichigo Mashimaro blurays.

It's not like the quality really matters for drawings like this anyway, but still.


cool, thanks for the update. might give it a rewatch soon.


Please don't post spoilers, I haven't watched the OVAs yet.



I hate shaving my soft boy butte because it makes it all itchy for the next few days and it hurts to sit down and I have sleep on my stomach which leaves my soft smooth hairless boy butte feeling all exposed and vulnerable……


I use Aveeno skin relief moisturizing lotion after I shave and I never get that, I highly recommend it.


File: 1468424002048.jpg (109.81 KB, 750x746, 1468248790596.jpg)


This is why it's recommended to digitally print addresses on envelopes, because if the machine can't read your scratch then it goes to an extra processing facility where I assume a human manually reads the address.

Also a very comforting thought for some people:

>More than 700 million pieces of mail are sorted and delivered by the Postal Service each delivery day.


whoa who is this angel


Asuka Langley


asuka lankey


If I throw myself off a cliff, I'll flatten myself and finally become a 2d anibirl. Everything would be okay then and no one would be sad anymore.


File: 1468431898012.jpg (393.63 KB, 862x800, 39a3d5b81c8205ddd73b8bc6d8….jpg)

Don't compare yourself to anime…


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smell my ass


File: 1468446666169.jpg (187.88 KB, 1266x1070, 1377059183610.jpg)

You better be using a coconut lotion on them cheeks…


File: 1468449174479.jpg (46.79 KB, 408x228, open.jpg)



File: 1468453597801.jpg (165.63 KB, 659x770, aaaahhh.jpg)


File: 1468457304890.png (104.76 KB, 264x246, 1467174728473.png)

kylek1243 wants to meet you!
"Hi my name is Kyle, how are you?"

"kylek1243 is seeking a woman for the long term"

What the actual fuck?
I'm not a girl…


That's why you should only date /what/friends!


File: 1468458741528.png (174.18 KB, 279x400, 1391620933676.png)

They all live too far…

I have been talking with quite a few and only one out of the now 76 seem truly interested in meeting up or maybe I'm taking things to slow with the PMing, I'm not sure.

The one that's interested in me is a Chad incarnate to give an idea, he enjoys driving to the beach, listening to music and hanging with bros.

He said for me to txt him and I haven't taking the call yet and he's waiting for my reply. When did I become Josh….?


You can email a /what/friend right now~!



I'm far but super interested in you…


File: 1468467570591.jpg (1.06 MB, 1000x1300, sad.jpg)

i have no soul mate, i'm doomed to always be sad and lonely even when i'm with /what/friends.


(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) pls cheer up


File: 1468468307964.png (98.11 KB, 572x510, 14177594823777.png)

>mfw the autismo faggots are whining about their stupid faggot lives again


File: 1468469837534.jpeg (61.96 KB, 674x677, c278a1731528fb8b878ed167f….jpeg)

>mfw i'm trying to download some porn and bitttorent keeps playing ads


File: 1468471053286.png (348.38 KB, 1000x1000, 680d4ff8c6ba1a0741da33fede….png)




File: 1468475029534.png (Spoiler Image, 944.84 KB, 993x1100, sloppy cummy kiss.png)

/what/friends giving each other a sloppy cummy kiss~! ( >,<)



Don't use the BitTorrent™ client, uTorrent, Bitcomet, Xunlei, or any other proprietary torrent client.

Try qBittorrent.


File: 1468558023888.png (38.22 KB, 400x500, honey.png)

/what/ a terrible image board


File: 1468563284680.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, shot0001.png)

Decided to watch some new anime.

Why are the Japanese so unfunny? Are the younger generation of Japanese all socially retarded from individualistic social isolation?


i want to watch a new anime with 4pcute, please stream


I never found Japanese comedy funny. They're also not very good at writing characters.


/what/ a cute image


Gintama's funny and has great characters.


I went on Historia Civilis's youtube channel and sent him a message telling him that he was pronouncing "Julius Caesar" incorrectly. I hope he replies soon…


File: 1468596846951.png (100.8 KB, 323x367, OH MAN!.png)

It's been more than a year since I've done some WILD NEET NITE™ and it's only a matter of time till I find myself scraping the dregs of the metaphorical internet barrel posting in normiebook "meme pages" living the /jp/ metanarrative prophecy post-ironically in the 6934^10 time.


trump is just a meme, you can't have a meme running a country.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


If trump ran France they wouldn't have 84+ people dead from last night, including many children.

They wouldn't have had 3 major (and many minor) muslim terrorist attacks in the past 2 years, and the several hundreds of deaths from them. France would still be French, and their streets wouldn't look like Africa or the middle east.

France is destroying their country because they're afraid of being called a word.


File: 1468604110185.mp4 (1.12 MB, 480x360, Oh Boy! Chocolate Cake!.mp4)



woah its like a post inside a meme


File: 1468623440894.png (405.51 KB, 666x486, anzu jewish cosplay.png)

I hope Anzu is ok.


I hope she's dead and those fucking turkroaches have their way with her corpse.


File: 1468632016375.png (34.6 KB, 632x295, 1468631631001.png)

She's dead.


File: 1468636240277.png (18.93 KB, 567x138, 2016-07-15-222935_567x138_….png)

She's still in Japan.

Maybe she can get refugee status in Japan.


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File: 1468652095663.jpg (164.01 KB, 850x616, 2014-07-22--21.14.02.jpg)

I cropped the same panel


mind your own beesiness!



I wonder what it would be like to be a beezantine emperor


I imagine you would bee very beezy!


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How tall is he?


haha i just got this joke


File: 1468710422031.png (52.83 KB, 1424x686, 2016-07-16-185610_1920x108….png)

Finally setup my router and installed OpenWrt. DOCSIS3 modem, cat6 ethernet cables only, gigabit NICs only.

Surprisingly very easy, you just download the image and flash it onto the router and it just works. The router's administration webpage has most everything you would need.


The tall guy is 6'3 and the short guy is 5'10


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I just wanna know if the tall one is gay or not…


good job!


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lewd arisu sticking her soft butte out like that…


Yeah, what a whore.


Don't call them whores, you ffffuuuuuuck


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Whore undines are the worst, I hope she gets raped just as she's asking for it.


sup holmes, don't forget to email me, whatmin@cumallover.me


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If whatmin makes the next blog thread, I'll be so pissed off. AT LEAST FUCKING CHANGE THE 0% TO SOMETHING ELSE.


Make it then, I waited a few days last time.


im gonna stream stalingrad if anyone wants to watch it with me



File: 1468803611753.jpg (270.5 KB, 800x656, 1323501103460.jpg)

"May I ask, is everything okay, though. The end of your message seems like you may be upset. I'm more than happy to listen if you'd like. :)"



Tell him to stop using emoji.

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