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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1466671281448.png (210.97 KB, 500x638, 1466537236889.png)


when i grow up im going to marry whatmin


seek professional help


do not induce vomiting


File: 1466674375982.png (668.38 KB, 1481x1758, 1464822449470.png)

my sister is teaching me how to cook so i can make foor for whatmin when we move in together



how pathetic


I learn all my cooking from a lesbian on youtube.


File: 1466686081980.jpg (1.36 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20160623_144406.jpg)

its diner time whatmin


stop hitting on /what/min settle on one admin to hit on and stick with him


File: 1466687256862.jpg (121.43 KB, 1440x810, 1465255194213.jpg)

whatmin is my boyfriend for 3 years


shut up he isnt


/what/min is so lucky…


/what/min isn't even gays…


After careful consideration, this is my lock-in for Thread of the Month.
You may collect your prize at the local waste disposal center.

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