[ what / sjis / test-php ] [ not4jp ]

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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1466231195897.png (157.66 KB, 640x438, 1456364055648.png)


When a website is simple and responsive.



That's kind of a weird sentiment, but OK.


Are you saying that /what/ is simple and responsive?

I also enjoy a website being simple though. I block all javascript/cookies/third-party requests by default, and I browse through tor by default, so most webistes are broken before I whitelist them.

Sometimes it's difficult though because sometimes there's 20+ third-party website's javascript/requests to enable and you have to figure out which you need to.


i just dont use sites which require javascript


File: 1466251931092.png (596.79 KB, 1280x720, nonfree javascript.png)

Are you this guy from /g/?


i dont post outside the jpsphere so probably not

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