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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1465585782182.png (227.97 KB, 463x293, 1439721626415.png)


honeypotter whatmin


File: 1465586785151.jpg (73.79 KB, 1280x853, honeybee_genehanson.jpg)

honey bee /what/min


i ate lunch at the park today and a bee tried to eat my food and i was happy but then it was actually just a bee fly and so i squished it


very courageous of you!~


bee flies aren't scary since they can't sting you if it was a wasp fly though i wouldn't have because i can't tell the difference they look too similar


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woah apparently they're the enemies of bees so by squishing it i might have saved some bee larva good job me!


File: 1465626646387.jpg (Spoiler Image, 37.92 KB, 640x312, image.jpg)

I justify killing these things for a similar reason, even though they are harmless and eat more harmful bugs. I kill them because they eat my friends the spiders.



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all those legs make it look nasty


Not to mention they are very fast.


Why you put the trigger warning on that image is this tumblr fag take it off right now


the warning made me think that would be a picture of fugly dani guess not


uhh it's not a trigger warning or maybe it is but it's a warning because its so gross and I was just kidding around so take it easy

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