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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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How do I fix my Hypertrichosis


File: 1465231797711.jpg (98.25 KB, 450x600, fd12c7e5709e6b911498cba640….jpg)

there is nothing to fix OP. women like hairy men. some boys too


you shave you dirty mokey


File: 1465238672848.jpg (107.62 KB, 669x713, Yukari2.jpg)

how bad is it, do you literally look like a creepy monkey like on those pics?


I like to keep my body shaved which takes quite some time and effort, and I'm a skinnyboy with weak hairgrowth. It'd be impossible for someone with extremely strong growth like that, he'd spend every day shaving endlessly I imagine..

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