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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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are the spin offs safer than wiz to escape the normies?


No fuck off


There's normies on wiz? I thought it was literally a bannable offense.


I dare you to go and report people for being Normie's see how many of them actually get banned


Fuck off. Wizchan and the /jp/ spin-offs are completely different communities. You don't belong here. Go away.


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There's nothing wrong with being a "normie" (i.e. a well-adjusted human being who works for a living and has touched people of the opposite sex before). Wizchan is a place for creepy misogynerd losers and that's where you should stay. Do not infect the spinoffs with your toxic ideology, please.

And no, it's not womens' fault that you are a loser with no self-control!


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Wizchan users are welcome here.


Haha, what a faggot. Kill yourself.


normies are the kind of people who go on 4chan and blog about their gf problems or get mad at anime being posted. they ruined imageboards so they can go to fucking hell along with normie sympathizers like you.


I don't even want a disgusting 3D succubus if I can't be let alone as an hermit give me a gun and I will kill myself


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Spare yourself the trouble, I can do it for you….


I wish that lady touhou would murder me in my sleep


you are not any better, wizturd.


Oh my goodness he really just called him wizturd haha my stomach I just shed a tear right now from laughing too much


Merorin is pretty rad


No 4pq is a hyper norm autismo


sad depressed wizards are ok
but r9kteenbros who blame everyone else and unironically use the word incel are v. bad


You are here so no.


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