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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I feel like ordering more alcohol boys help me choose I might get more whiskey but I want to try scotch gin and rum


drink water


I want to but I like getting drunk


me too it makes my bed comfy


What should I do


go out and eat a handful of pine needles.

now you know what gin tastes like, so you don't need to try it.




Ok I still want to buy a paintball gun that looks like an ak


gin with tonic water tastes great


don't be a drug addict sobriety can be fun!


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This…drugs never help in the long run.
Believe me.

But I also would never turn back the clock and remove the experience they gave me…


i get drunk every other day so i can enjoy being sober and being drunk and do different activities each day


gin is really nice and you should actually eat juniper berries if you wanted to know its flavor it only smells like pine needles idiot doesn't taste like them


The dragon dildo experience?


i love the smell of pine needles so i love gin and steinhäger


ochitsukete i was just memein


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Close…I'm talking the dying and popping back to life experience.

That shit is scary, I saw things…


did you do heroin or something


No, I smoked too much weed


the "i smoked weed, im so hardcore" meme is funny


the "weed is harmless, you can't get that fucked up on it" meme is even better


When j was around 15 I smoked like a gram and my vision was like those shirts that you color bleach the ones the hippos wear


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DPH, Dex, DXM and LSD I farmed off of cacti.

I also did it alone which was double dumb…


haha dude weed haha


>LSD I farmed off of cacti.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that was a typo, and you meant to say mescaline.

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