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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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It's here!!!
Worst fear came true though mom was in the living room then the knock and I went and answered and I had to sign the guy didn't ask for id but I have it to him anyway then I put a line as my signature then he said that works and left I opened the box in the kitchen but then thought about it and put it in my closet and mom left afterwards so I went back and opened it and put the beer in the fridge and pic related in a cupboard


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1/4 beers I got I'll take pictures later


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Thinking of buying some Hennessy next just to see why those people praise it


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Last one


I think I'm allergic to alcohol.


This one tasted like shit I drank half and the rest went into the sink which is something I never do but damn that tasted horrible
Think it was because it was a white ipa from fucking Alaska
White ipa
Never trust anything white


why and how are you allergic


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Let's see how good this music is


Big freaking surprise I can't tell the difference between this and any other freaking craft beer I've ever tried I fell for this stupid meme all this beer taste like crap

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