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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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What's so funny? Your sister pays for your living expenses, if you weren't born into a rich family you certainly wouldn't have a family member paying for you live on your own.




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you live with your mum lol


Dani you are currently the most pathetic person in the /jp/ sphere.




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im friends with a lot of those people too what the fuck


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welcome to the (not so) secret steam circlejerk






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There are less people posting on these sites than you think.


I used to be friends with Mordin but he never talked to me because he was always busy talking to his 500 other friends and that's just the way it goes when you're really popular. I wish I was really popular like Mordin, then I'd always have lots of friends to talk to and I'd never be lonely.


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how do you make e-friends? i want to be popular too


I'm not a good e-friend at all, you're better off asking Mordin or 4Pq, they're really popular and friendly and they'll tell you how to be a good friendo.


Why don't these losers just use IRC for chatting?


I used to be popular back in the day
Now I'm just a cranky old bastard

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