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I came round to tell you my last night's dream, and ask if you guys have a similar experience or can offer some sort of explanation, because this blew my mind.

>go to sleep last night later than usually

>got an exam in the morning, was kinda anxious
>I'm in the dream world
>it's oddly familiar but something's off, I'm not me, per se
>I'm in a bathroom of a cafe I visit in rl, but as everything it's odd
>go to the sink to splash some water in my face
>look in the mirror, it's me (kinda) but I have an eye on my left shoulder
>look down, try not to panic, splash some water in my face
>look up
>I'm distorted… I mean the image in the mirror is, as if it were sloppily erased by an eraser
>explosion.jpg (that's what it felt like)
>I'm falling
>time slowed down
>matter around me starts to disintegrate into dust
>open my eyes in RL
>it's my bedroom but I can see this beautiful sky with pastel clouds
>there is a sigil of sorts inbetween these two worlds, the pastel sky one and my bedroom world
>something's pulling me up from my bed
>I can see my hands besides me, I'm not pulling myself up
>wake up in cold sweat

What the fuck happened last night?

I usually don't dream (or don't remember them), I have one once in a blue moon. I'm an anxious fella, can't really relax (I'm not nagging, I learned to live with myself), and I believe this is why I don't dream.

I had this idea that I was not in my own body, and that this pulling was actually some kind of a force trying to get me back inside myself, or maybe the opposite, to prevent me from re-entering my body…

pic rel, what the sigil looked lik, I remember the contours, but I could swear it was more detailed.


didn't read

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