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File: 1526585805123.jpg (Spoiler Image, 14.97 KB, 329x471, _zZcCpNC.jpg)



You will never know this feel


didn't open



I left a dislike


No you didn't


I literally never opent yt links, ever


Sure thing kiddo*pats you*


File: 1526587243281.png (525.52 KB, 1920x1011, 2018-05-17-155755_1920x108….png)

You should install this userscript.


If you're on Firefox you need Tampermonkey to use userscripts.



why the fuck would I want embeds if I'm not going to watch it to begin with


So you know what the youtube links are without ever opening them.


but I don't even want to know what they are
stop being so fucking presumptuous


What if they're good youtube videos?


Literally why do you even come to this site you fucking mouth breathing retard


not to watch yt videos?


violentmonkey is open-source and not maintained by a single person


Pressed the thumbs down button.




I feel there was a story about a soy bean that turned into a boy but I don't recall. Maybe it was not a soy bean.

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