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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Will there ever be a race war in America? I don't want to get killed for being brown


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Imagine moving to another country and refusing to learn the language, or just being too stupid to learn a very similar language with the same alphabet.


Well you should be.


I'll kill you myself when the war begins




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they are merely reclaiming the land america unlawfully squatted on
I'm sorry, but you'll have to go back


Yes, it will be hilarious to see you die like a bitch.


That's when Spain controlled parts of modern day America, not Mexicans or mestizos.


What makes you think you have any chance against me?


I'm bigger than you and can easily beat your autistic ass in hand to hand combat, and I know how to shoot a gun from my military/cop cousins who used to take me shooting all the time when I was a teenager.



Yeah, you begging like a dog will be funny as fuck.


Spaniards aren't white.


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uh, mexicans inherited those territories
you have to go back


I have never met anybody that could best me, I have never met anybody who could strike with more speed and technicality than me. Why should you be any different? You are ignorant, the fact that you think a gun would help proves this all the more, you are a coward. You do not have the nerves to shoot a man. Worm.




Says the guy who LITERALLY couldn't even get into the military LMAO


I know think of all the memes 4chan will make from the recording


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Navy Seal copypasta: the thread.


I voluntarily left.


No you didn't lol I haven't forgotten the threads you made you LITERALLY failed out of the army lmao what a literal bitch


The drugs must have addled your memory.


Even if you did leave willingly it shows that you're a pussy.

Either way you're a sissy bitch.


You seem to feel quite insecure about yourself.


I'd be insecure if I was too beta and retarded for the military as well.

Stop projecting.

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