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A generation is not a 10 year affair.
Generation Z(ombie) is the first post 2000 generation, all of it is under 18

And it will the first generation wholly enslaved by the Jews.

Just look at how fucking hard they failed at social engineering Gen X and Gen Y.

Most of Gen X has killed itself or is in prison, the younger members are emulating "Millenial" culture

And they fucking broke half of Gen Y in the mold with 9/11 and the economic implosion happening in our most crucial years, half of older Gen Y is checking the fuck out, and they are trying to rebrand late Gen Y as something wholly different entirely, Gen Z.

There is dichotomy in every generation
Old boomers were hippy trash
Young Boomers were snorting coke in the 80's
Old Gen X partied too hard and is dying out
Young Gen X is Millenial + 5
Old Millenials are disillusioned
Young Millenials are being told they are another generation entirely because of Jewish tricks


People make to much of the idea of generations as a whole. For example the substance abuse you suggested they did is quite similar and still done by the younger generations. They really are not that different.


I still don't understand what these 'murrican generation things mean. Seems like arbitrary bullshit.

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