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File: 1526451088242.gif (1022.98 KB, 500x357, 1512434029538.gif)



Is this the mythology thread?


sure if you wantttttttttttttttt


I don't know what I was going to post about now.


File: 1526455098068.jpg (119.27 KB, 900x616, Hell-of-Tartarus.jpg)

the afterlife?


we go to the sea of souls when we leave spacetime matter realm


What about it?


It is funny how years ago your dream was to be different and better than everyone, but now you just hope you will be able to lead a "normal" life.

Loneliness has really taken a toll on you hasn't it? Who would have thought, the guy that thought he would raise above everything now just dreams with the distant possibility of one day finding the right person and starting a family, incredibly afraid of a future where only him and his overprotective mother remains.

Why are you ashamed of your biggest dream? Why do you lie when people ask you that question, do you really think it is that shameful to wish to not be alone forever?


You must be thinking of somebody else.


>"Doesn't it sting? The way you follow your friends around like a little lost puppy."
>"You tell them shit like "Oh I'm so proud of you" and "You've done such amazing things for yourself" like you're happy for them."
>"And they feed you those comforting lies about how you're such a great friend when you know they can see just what kind of fat, ugly loser you are."
>"What happened? You used to think you were better than them."
>"You hate them. You resent them because they're everything you wish you were."
>"You go to bed wishing they'd die. That they'd break their fingers and never draw again. They'd get fat and ugly like you. That their pretty little faces would melt off their happy little skulls and they'd cry themselves to sleep like you do."
>"You liked your friends better when they were losers like you."
>"You know you're filth. All you want in life is to drag people down in the gutter so they can die miserable with you."
>"You're dragging them down."


>fearing being mediocre due to narcissistic belief that you're better than others

All those years internally mocking the manual laborer, the store worker, the street sweeper, the delivery driver
Coming back to bite as youth runs out


You really are thinking of somebody else, I don't have any friends.


sorry i was just copying v posts from here https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/416448529

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