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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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So my boyfriend is autistic. Hes very sweet and is a great lover. Problem is he is too nice and I am just not attracted to him sexually. Hes fat and out of shape. He is funny but he's not that smart. He is kind of overprotective of me. He doesn't like that I see a male obgyn. He also fears I am going to be raped or attacked. I do love him, hes like my best friend. He likes eating my pussy and does it real well. But he isn't into spanking me and letting me give him blow jobs. He says its degrading. He works at Sams Club in backroom loading and receiving and is a writer. He likes to video game allot and runs a gaming channel. I got him to open up about his porn interests and I found out he is into lesbian porn and incest porn. He wants us to role play as brother and sister. He says he was molested by his older brother growing up and its always been a fantasy of his to be molested by his sister. Taking charge is something that makes me uncomfortable and he said he understood and wouldn't bring it up again but it makes me uncomfortable. He really loves me but his sexual interests aren't in line with me. I do love getting my pussy eaten but he really is into face sitting. He says he likes feeling my warm inner thighs against his face and he likes it when I call him a "little worm" and say other things like a dominatrix would. He also wants me to keep my panties on when he eats me out and this is kind of weird. It feels really good when he does it but it's so strange. Another of his fantasies he's into is a pee fetish. He wants to pee with me and he also wants me to pee in public so he can "guard me". This is one that I find really weird. There is allot of role play stuff he likes to do where he "rescues me" when I get stuck or wants me to do femdom stuff and I really don't get off on it. I'm a really shy girl. I like men who are more alpha and into spanking and who kind of degrade me. I love my boyfriend but dont know what to do. Please help!!!

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