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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1526282578961.jpg (98.03 KB, 1148x720, HorribleSubs_Mahoutsukai_n….jpg)


>tfw 29 years old living with my parents and constantly having to beg for money so I can play video games and threatening to kill myself when they say no.

There has to be an easier way. Something that doesn't make them cry and beg me to see a doctor.

How do I get money 4 vidya?


i miss the days when i could read this thread and the op wasn't just roleplaying or coping a thread from r9kvbpol. good things don't last forever they need to be ruined i suppose


You can still do that by browsing 4chan. I promise it's better and more stimulating than the jp spinoof at this point


Become an artist and/or author.


i'm about done browsing chans. too many schizo living vicariously spamming them nowadays. that and pepe, yuck. chans use to have a little bit of charm since they were eccentric and slightly above normals. now most of the users are worse than the most retarded normal without any redeeming features. i think the meme is called la creatura? the posters are now the embodiment of that image.


How do I get paid for that shit bruh


Get your books published or draw pictures for commissions. You could probably get $20 a commission which if you are only using it for games would be enough.


4chan is shit, fast and impersonal
go back there retard


This place is shit too tbh


it's only shit because you're here you indian subhuman
kill yourself


Stop that's really hurtful


Ignore the bullies and continue making threads.


kill yourself currynigger


File: 1526333557403.jpg (33.53 KB, 500x536, f9cd75d5c0936669bd75b74a9f….jpg)

Ok thanks whatmin

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