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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1526030060316.jpg (77.21 KB, 720x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no ….jpg)


is there anything more satisfying than seeing videos of white right wingers getting the shit beaten out of them?


good goy >>29457


The right is controlled opposition you fucking retard


everything is controlled


Not when the masses learn the truth about 9/11


Everyone knows the left can’t fight. They all are either morbidly obese or look so malnourished they couldn’t do a push-up let alone throw a decent punch to save their life. If I was a gambling man, I bet my money on the right. Think about it. The right is made up of bikers, ex-military,ex-police, bodybuilders, mma practitioners, and ect. You know people who actually know something about hand to hand combat. The only way the left could win is attacking in groups and with weapons. Otherwise they get their asses handed to them.


The right is made of old fat baby boomers LMAO and the left has funding from rich billionaires that will funnel them weapons and mercenaries and CIA training you dumb retard and there are way more of them holy fuck did you learn anything from the proxy wars of the last 30 years lmao what a fucking retard you're so stupid lol

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