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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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For searching, I have mostly used DuckDuckGo for the past few years. It does work with JS disabled, but you have to follow a link before you search.

I no longer user Google search, not even occasionally, because it sends me a broken CAPTCHA. I suspect the reason it tries to send me a CAPTCHA is that I am coming through Tor. I would answer the CAPTCHA if that worked.

I suspect that the reason the CAPTCHA is broken is that it depends on nonfree Javascript. I won't run that in my computer.


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I do not post on 4chan. I have nothing against it in principle, but I am told a lot of the posts nowadays are right-wing bigotry which I condemn totally. I have occasionally answered questions for interviews for 4chan, but I have never posted anything there. Any posting there that says it is by me is by an impostor.


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any posting of (you) here is a copypasta of an imposter


> I suspect the reason it tries to send me a CAPTCHA is that I am coming through Tor. I would answer the CAPTCHA if that worked.

They fixed this a couple weeks ago, after months of preventing Tor users from entering Captcha.

This prevented you from browsing Cloudfare sites, because they make Tor users enter a Captcha by default before they can even access the website, which is an option almost no website using Cloudfare turns off.


DDG lite works with js disabled.


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Who is the other guy



I really hate the gamergater altrighter who made this video. He's a really cruel bully, like to extreme levels.


dumb t*en cant even read her own filename

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