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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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>Fought three civil and 73 wars abroad in its entire 200 years of existence

>The only still-warmongering country on the planet alongside its ally Israel

>To this day is the only country to have indiscriminately murdered civilian populations with atomic weapons

>Thinks fire bombing is ethical but gas bombs that choke people to death are inhumane, tortures its own citizens but still claims absolute moral authority internationally



We are slaves to the Jews who took over our government. It's not like we want that, except for the mind controlled retard boomers


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I'm American and I agree.

Please don't blame the American people. The Russian government is fully aware that the people aren't in control here, they don't blame the American people, neither should you.


Even if they don't blame us they'd still probably nuke us to piss off our masters


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>Americans respond

Just as I predicted LOL


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