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Is it weird to not have your parents or family at your wedding



Also I hope anyone who spends more than $2,000 on a wedding gets the divorce they deserve.

A wedding should be done in a backyard for $500.


But I disowned them. Also those backyard weddings are usually done by numales and feminists and are gross


Do you have any proof of this?



That's not romantic at all.


"romance" is a capitalistic invention devised to drive consumerism


Hollywood movie influence of people's minds and desires, and capitalist exploitation of marriage, is not romantic to me.

God hates both these. I normally feel bad talking on his behalf, but I know he does.


Love isn't a capitalist invention


The fact you think that love is an expensive wedding… is a capitalist invention.


It doesn't have to be expensive but in a backyard is just gross, have some respect for yourself and your wife and tradition. You are just having a retard cheap wedding to spite capitalist exploitation which makes you just as bad.

You can have a small wedding in a nice place, do you want to bury your loved ones in your backyard too with no respect paid to them in a ceremony?

Fuck outta here you commie fuck


A backyard wedding can be as nice as you want it to be.

A lot of people in America have really nice large backyards, I'm not sure what you imagine when you hear "backyard".


I just remembered my parents got married in my dad's living room. Fuck


Ok but do I need my family there


you're never going to get married anyway so what's the point of this conversation


Will you kill yourself from the envy and inferiority you feel if I do


not really, but our pseudo-relationship will never be the same again because I will have this lingering feeling you look down upon me because of my inferior social status, but I'm pretty sure you already do that so nothing really changes either way


I don't even know you dude

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