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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I need tongue I need face


Thanks for posting my image fellow merorin poster


HOT af, maybe I should look into getting a costume enthusiast gf, I hear they are deviants which would suit me fine :D


kill yourself



mad fag


Yeah go to a cosplaying convention


I went to a convention once and it's really just a shopping mall that sells specific stuff and i'm not the time to purchase memorabilia ( the walls in my room are blank) It's not my scene


Your fucking stupid, kill yourself


am I wrong?


Yes, now swallow a shotgun


what conventions do you go to?


Noyb fucking loser. Blow your head apart now


I don't know why you are taking your anger out on me


Kill yourself on stream


try surrounding yourself with more positive friendly talking media and persons, that should help


Surround yourself with your brains


Demonstrate three modes of critical thinking to ascertain a solution


1 buy shotgun
2 point it at your skull
3 pull trigger and splatter your retard brain matter all around you


You're not a thinker.


fucking piss


Neither are you when your brain tissue is on the wall


You aren't interesting, go spend some alone time thinking,


You're too dumb to find me interesting the only interesting thing about you is seeing the radius of your brain tissue after you blow it apart


Why is a raven like a writing desk


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