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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1525576702898.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180505-231754.png)


5'11" and 6'1"


File: 1525578770232.png (781.86 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180505-235223.png)

I'm not even memeing


File: 1525580100707.png (53.51 KB, 643x344, Untitled 14.png)



What's the purpose of this thread?


To show that The 5'11" 6'1"meme is real and it's a big difference


No one cares.


I care


What a freak (you) care about is irrelevant.


If Michelle stood up straight and Obama took off his high heels they would be closer.


Fuck you, loser beta ugly recluse


He's not wearing high heels, if anything Michelle is. Face it 5'11" is manlet tier


File: 1525593756064.jpg (284.2 KB, 1222x803, president-obama-michelle-o….jpg)

She's LITERALLY wearing heels here


You can see the racist disdain in that old white fuck face and his entitled queen wife. I'm so fucking glad the white race is dying and I'm so thankful to the Jews for outsmarting you scum

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