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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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I had been looking for a psychologist for month. I came across Jay under gay psychologist. I told my husband and were both hoping for the best. My husband attended most sessions. He's young and cute and Jay started to ask for his phone number which if Jay had more sensitivity he could imagine that might create jealousy. My husband goes to every session I they needed to talk they could do it in front of me. One session we some how started about our sex life. I broke the subject and told him I kicked my mom out of my life. He threw his hands in the air laughing full blast at. Then said we're going back to this subject. Sex. He asked me if I thought my husband would leave me. I said no absolutely not. He laughed at me again. He pointed me up and down looked my husband. Basically saying I'm old and ugly why would the guy stay with me. That was our last meeting. WE HAD JUST BOUGHT A NEW HOME its a fixer upper who knows how long we'll have to stay in the same house both miserable. I am very messed up in the head that's why I was seeing a psychologist. END RESULT AFTER HEDGAY PLANTED THE SEED I THOUGHT INSTEAD ID LEAVE HIM FIRST. WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER 12 YEARS AND ONE SESSION WITH HEDGAY. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO SAD LONELY. ALL MY LIFE I HAVE BEEN BI POLAR. Now I lost my husband. No

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