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File: 1463991808380.jpg (132.77 KB, 1250x1352, 1439714706295.jpg)


whatmin stop ekeping secrets tell me the truth of it


File: 1463993291027.jpg (998.42 KB, 1944x2592, Dani.jpg)


I would be so upset if a creep like that started obsessing over me….



Dani brought it on himself now…..


File: 1464000758863.jpg (25.18 KB, 400x225, tumblr_lztt9bCTYS1qkv2eso1….jpg)

whatmin works for mind control


File: 1464009914613.jpg (1.02 MB, 1944x2592, 1464005108739.jpg)

am not a creep look


You look like a greasy italian.


whats greasy about it my face is dry like normal


stop posting your face, please


you make me sick


File: 1464026616603.jpg (121.66 KB, 704x396, chaos18017 (copy 1).jpg)

whatever you say mind controler


You look normal Dani.


You look like a nice guy, Dani. But the other picture makes you look weird.


Dani is literally in real life "I was just pretending to be retarded".


File: 1464034718793.jpg (39.42 KB, 661x807, 1462263468817.jpg)



you look like a kid

stop posting pics of people's faces



creepy retard……


File: 1464118907914.png (231.73 KB, 572x510, 1462005686119.png)

whatmiun meassagee me

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