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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Woke up to people in my apartment. Wtf is this maintenance shit


Did I say you could post my image? I certainly don't recall saying so.


Do something bitch


I bought gravity rush 2 months ago and never opened it.


White privilege


It's really just more of the same.


Isn't that what you want read tard


Well generally it's good for a game to improve on itself and add more features, otherwise it may as well be the same game which in this case it is. It does add some minor features but everything else is the same.


I never played the first.

Trust me I'm not privileged relative to western society. I'm near the absolute lowest you can be in western society.

I'm only privileged maybe compared to something like Mexicans born around drug cartels.

I won't even say I'm privileged compared to super third-world African niggers though, because I envy their more natural way of life.


You would rather literally die from shitting yourself to death at the age of 7 from parasites than be a 19 year old middle class shitcel. Truly the shittiest poster on the jpsphere.


This is why we need to wipe out most of humanity. What's the point of even existing when you live for like a decade and the entirety of it is real suffering? Wiping out humanity saves them from the pain of existence, Thanos was right

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