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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1525250926883.jpg (151.59 KB, 768x993, 1506110416101.jpg)


I'm getting incredibly upset by the attitudes members of this community have towards the virgin people who post regularly on the jpsphere.
The hostility is absolutely getting out of hand. How do you think we feel when every time we make a post we are constantly met with the same lame responses.. This has gone beyond memes and banter. We are having up to ten virgin hate threads every single day. Some of you are even calling for our deaths.

We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the roastie Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear sweatpants you are wearing our national dress, if you eat tendies you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.
Virgins are a net contributor to the planet.

We get called losers, spergs, we get called spineless and scum. You constantly and endlessly insult our sexual status. Virgins have given so much to the world and have asked for so little in return.

I can't even post in most threads anymore without being met with the same barrage of abuse and troll responses - or the same news clippings posted again and again and again.

It's honestly quite disturbing how much virginphobia there is on this board, you treat us worse than niggers and I'm begging you to stop.

We are your allies in all of this. We want to get along and help with your causes on this board but we are met with derision and hatred at almost every single turn.

You are turning us against you with your actions and speech. This has gone beyond a bit of light hearted banter and is now just 24/7 abuse.

You've made your point, we know we live without sex. Instead of just being cunts to us all the time why don't you try to help us?

Please. Just stop this nonsense.


please stop posting about non jp crap you stupid polfreak


Oh wait thats right, you freaks dont respond to that.

Die shitstain kill yourself.


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Smell my armpits whiny bitch


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post the one with ririchiyo-sama where she says shut up and sniff my farts loser!


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This is giving me olfactory hallucinations fuck off.


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