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File: 1525155384195.png (798.5 KB, 1279x718, be532bbad3de638a0dc3749379….png)


I'll always be a freak to you normal shits


No shit took you long enough, a freak and an idiot too.



1. i'm not a virgin
2. i'm smarter than you
3. fuck off retard


you're such a fucking freak that not only do you not fit in with normal society, you're rejected by the losers as well LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


im' superior to all of you


even if you are, it won't change the fact that you're an unloved schizo shunned even by the shunned
why don't you actually follow through with what you spam, and do a backflip off a high rise or something? Literally no one would miss you…


He does fit into normal society, hence why he is here in the first place. Nobody would even be able to differentiate his post on 4chan.


i dont need losers like you to miss me, that's not my reason for living, i live for myself
you are definitely a low functioning autist LMAO


>Nobody would even be able to differentiate his post on 4chan.
That's because the schizo literally copy pastes posts and threads from there.


>you are definitely a low functioning autist LMAO

Yet again thanks for proving my point for me.


It's not just that but his posting style, use of language and the subjects he discusses.


He doesn't discuss anything, he just copy pastes threads from 4chan, spams about wanting to kill himself, and when people tell him to fuck off his huge ego flares up. I mean, how is it even possible to be self-loathing and narcissistic at the same time? What a fucking freak.


File: 1525163474281.gif (1.38 MB, 540x304, kurarin kawaii.gif)

ngl youre 100 pahcent right, i dont know how to change actually tbh maybe i want you guys to bully me when i'm depressed because it stimulates my narcissism and then i have more drive???? wow!!!!


Ii feel as if you are taking too much influence from the images you post.


Why did you link this video to me retard? I'm not the incel spammer. Anyway I watched it and I agree with her


Thank goodness buttmin protects great posters like this




File: 1525264507524.mp4 (2.95 MB, 1280x720, ha baa.mp4) [play once] [loop]



File: 1525297433228.jpg (125.64 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Darling in ….jpg)

why does this exist and why would you save it


File: 1525297484651.webm (12.53 MB, 640x360, beta uprising psa.webm) [play once] [loop]




File: 1525484239313.webm (278.84 KB, 640x360, Darling in the FranXX in ….webm) [play once] [loop]


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