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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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File: 1524763078025.jpg (133.47 KB, 687x1000, sample-e5d6e39e74b250743c8….jpg)


I wish penis inspection day at my school was like this.

But instead some old pervert touched my dick in 6th grade, he did the same thing with all the other kids and he was legally allowed to do that and no one cared.


File: 1524763630732.jpeg (60.98 KB, 736x754, images.duckduckgo.com.jpeg)



Go check how big the original is.


not bigger than my cock


File: 1524764504250.jpg (3.89 MB, 4086x5946, e5d6e39e74b250743c8364d22b….jpg)

4086x5946 nanometers


like i said


Don't you have a 12k monitor? How embarrassing…


>penis inspection day is actually a thing

I thought it was just a meme


Is having mandatory physical examinations of school children really that far fetched? Girls get their little vaginas checked up too.

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