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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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Marry your good days to good things, like cigarettes.

When the good days go you'll still have your cigarettes.


You should smoke cigars instead and don't inhale.


why not inhale whatbro


Not healthy. Still get nicotine into system through mouth.


Yeah and instead of getting lung cancer you'll get throat cancer. Nice job you fucking retard.


You won't get addicted though so you won't be smoking multiple cigars every day so you probably won't get cancer.


Mouth cancer you mean? Yeah I'll take damage to my mouth over damage to my heart/lungs any day.

I saw a video of a 110 year old guy who still smokes cigars.

Puffing cigar smoke in your mouth is 1000s of times safer than inhaling cigarette smoke into your lungs.


Why smoke at all?


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To blaze it up of course!


Don't post.


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