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I'm curious if there are any other people out there like me with a gun in their mouth now.

I remember solo mining BTC back in 2011 and gave up due to a combination of me never bothering to join a pool because it was a hassle and how I had to move and start paying my own electricity and it didn't seem worth it anymore. When it hit $200 I went into a pretty bad depression.

I jumped back in as a joke when dogecoin launched and sold HL2 for some like 400k doge, which at it's peak went up to like $100 and I was ecstatic. I then lost most of it playing SwC Poker.

I was also there when ETH was like $10 and jumped to $30 and still did nothing but watch because I thought that was as high as it would go and that I already missed the train.

Then to top it all off, once Trump was elected I took the measly $300 or so I still had sitting in crypto and transferred it into USD thinking he was going to put an end to it. Instead it 100x'd over the next year.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Or am I in my own special camp of regret and retardation?


Is that a metaphor?


Wow if only you had a crystal ball and magically knew the future you would be a billionaire.
Stop worrying about making the wrong gambles in the past. The whole point of gambling (whether in poker or crypto speculation) is that most people lose, but they still think they should've won.
You need to train your mind to be less susceptible to this "you could 10x your money overnight!" hype. Just ignore it and live your life. If you get a nice amount of money, cut your losses and put it in something safe and reliable instead of something that MIGHT moon but will almost always not.
When you see the powerball winner announced do you ever beat yourself up over "god damn FUCK i missed out on millions of dollars just because I didn't buy a 40-50-54-62-69-19 lottery ticket!"?


yeah I used to be bothered by this shit until I started thinking about it like that


you're responding to a /biz/ repost tard

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