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File: 1524649438473.jpg (354.54 KB, 1000x1000, 848ScottJacques.jpg)


Suburbs like these are literally purgatory. Who would even want to live in a sea of identically designed and spaced homes that stretches on as far as you can see where nothing's within walking distance? I would actually rather live in a cardboard box in an alleway somewhere than in a middle-American suburb. What the fuck is the allure of these places?


It's an American thing.

I think most people, even Americans, hate communities like that. The vast majority of American suburbs aren't THAT identical though, like in the picture.


It's not just American, they are in Australia too, it's a new world thing.


Yes OP astute observation, because everyone at birth is given their own allotment of funds to design and build their own house there is no reason to do this

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