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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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i wish i was white sometimes. im really starting to feel insecure about my indian genes. maybe its the 56 el goblino/creatura meme. my indian nose and skinny body are so gross


Your kind also smell like an elephants anus.
All the time, like you never shower.


That's curry you retard not body odor


Whatever the fuck it is, it's disgusting and you are as well.


Holy fuck, this is why my dark circles are so bad.i was just watching some Indian video and they had circles like mine, and my white dad has sunken circles under his and so do i they look like his. My mom has the dark circles and mind are dark on top of being sunken. I literally look like a heroin addict and like I'm dying. i literally got the worst eye bags genes from both sides of the family


Whatever you're a balding white incel I could care less what you say


I stare at people a lot too, didn't know that was an Indian stereotype wtf


File: 1524645211819.mp4 (7.02 MB, 960x720, Hovey Benjamin - Send Bobs….mp4)



La creatura…

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