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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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No, last time I did you unadded me, it was very rude of you.



What happened to your old account?





They are fairy tales so of course they all start like that and follow that cycle, it's what a fairy tale is.


what are fairy tales based on


They are made up. Some might be based on folklore or obscure legends lost in time though. But then much of this is made up too.


The human experience.


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imagine being this fucking retarded lol


People try to relate the human experience to the format of fairy tales, not the other way around. Fairy tales are fantasies made to give the common folk some kind of hope in life, they can feel like their mundane life will be turned upside down by sudden and unforeseen events just like in the stories. This doen't happen in real life, people just try to make it sound like it does. Getting offered a high paying office job because you spent 10 years studying for it is not a call to adventure.


studying for 10 years was answering the call to adventure, unless you were just studying something to make money and appease your family/social status and not what you actually wanted, then yeah you are a mundane retard who rejected the call and lived a loser for life


That's what everybody does, there are very few jobs that are bearable and very few adventures to be had.


yeah, everyone rejects the call, retard except for the few successful people who dont


And what call would they be rejecting? They are not rejecting a call to adventure as there never was one.


Sucks to be you


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>Go to therapy again today after work.
>Old therapist who was actually helping me retarded 2 months ago.
>Been stuck with this stupid bitch as his replacement.
>Making everything worse
>Asks me today if I ever thought of dating obese single mothers.
>Lost my shit.
>Don't even remember what the fuck I said other than complaining about how I worked my ass off to get a great career going and work out to get my body fit. Telling her I am not going to reward some whore for her past behaviors after all the sacrifices I had to do to get where I am in life.
>She is visibly upset that a fit male making 80k a year and owning his own home refuses to date obese single mothers.
>Never felt so disgusted by women in my entire life and walk out.

So how was your day guys? Anyone else agree that therapy is a gigantic waste of cash? Pic somewhat related. The type of girl I will never be able to have.



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