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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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DAE literally sob when watching sad scenes in anime?


Sometimes I do, other times it's just like "this is really sad." But I sob when watching scenes of friendship and forgiveness, and characters finding out they aren't alone and stuff. I'm really not proud to admit this, but Naruto made me cry a lot of times cause it was full of that.


yeah bleach made me cry a lot i never watched naruto though. yeah those scenes you say make me cry too.

also dont fucking sage my thread


forgive me I always sage my posts…


ok sorry for being rude


File: 1524555744151.gif (2.21 MB, 384x216, angle beats heart.gif)

Anohana and Angel beats when I was like 14.

I wouldn't cry to anime now.


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angle beets


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No never.

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