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The Society for the Study of Hairy pOOsy
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He's against GMO because they have unknown ecosystemic effects up to and including total catastrophe. He's saying he can explain it easily to computer scientists who know about p/np. He's also saying that people who think supporting GMO are on the side of Sciience! (aka your average redditor who has an iq of 98 but wants to look smart) but actually they're just useful idiots and don't understand anything.


Only brainlets and greens are against GMOs, humans have practiced selective breeding since the dawn of time.


Good goy


Can't tell if troll.

GMOs are genetically modified in a lab in a way not possible through selective breeding.


He's a literal brainlet, like the Reddit norms that watch Colbert and think medical doctors are God


It's just an enhanced way to genetically alter them, but normies who watch too many hollywood movies think it's bad because it's done in a lab by ebil scientists while probably eating actual garbage from fast food restaurants.


GMOs are fine health-wise but the companies (i.e. m*ns*nto) that have patents on GMOs are a cancer on the agricultural industry

Gene patenting in general is a very scary thing.


why the fuck are polinorms posting propaganda on unrelated forums const6antly


Fast food are GMOs


Wrong they aren't fine you stupid fucking fedora


But GMOs aren't all fast food.


Yeah and????


And you're fucking stupid.



Because saying that fast food is made with GMOs doesn't mean that GMOs are bad.


It nullifies your point about people not eating GMOs but eating fast food, because fast food are GMOs, dumbass.

You're so fucking stupid, no wonder you fell for the GMO shilling


I said they think it's bad, not that they don't eat them. There is no evidence that GMO food is less safe than non-GMO food.


i know theyre bad but i still eat them because im lazy and poor


they are, tinfoiler tard


they are fine dude, just because a gene is made via a lab vs via natural selection doesn't make it bad for you


You don't know

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