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There are two Jungs: little jung and big jung.

Brainlets only understand little jung, and think he's some kind of mythographer whose analysis of human traditions and psyche disproves religion, like >>11031458

big jung confirms religiosity, faith, and theology as mechanisms and symptoms of an emergent consciousness sown in the mind of man and soon to bear fruit for the masters from the 9th dimension


Psychology is pseudo science with no confirmation in reality. Literally a bunch of buzzwords put together to label humans.


I think a major flaw with Jung is that you can never really confirm any of his theories, especially if you know about them.

For example, if you read about Jung's conception of the anima, your conscious mind now also has a conception of "anima" similar to Jung's. If you subsequently have a dream wherein the anima appears, how can you know whether the anima is the "true" one from the collective unconscious, or if it was simply your conscious conception of the anima developed while reading Jung?


You mean society?


You really never noticed before


Before what?


Jung invented anime…

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