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Why are Forest themes always so good


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Designed by God.

Unknown number of plant and fungi species.

You could walk into a forest near you and find a plant or fungus that isn't known to science.

I wish I could know what every single plant on Earth is, and whether it is safe to eat. Then I would have less stress, because I know I wouldn't need to rely on capitalist society and could just live in the woods.


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Well it's not like you're connected to some sort of "information highway" where you could learn about plants or anything.


There's surprisingly very little information about edible or useful plants in North America.

It's extremely hard to identify most plants unless they have obvious characteristics, like cattails, which you can eat.

"Top 10 common edible plants" is not what I'm looking for.


Found this.


I haven't read any of it but there you go.


(I meant to just show you the site, not just that thread)


But yeah, instead of searching about plants you should search about survival.


Me on the right.

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